Unit 89 Deer


Very Active Member
I am thinking about changing my choice on my deer draw to unit 89 before the june 3rd and would like any input on this unit I can get. Any information get would be great! last year I stay in a trailor in Noverber and it was cold as hell, this year I would like to stay in a motel we have in Casper and I see unit 89 is pretty close.
BRING TIRE CHAINS FOR ALL 4 WHEELS.......When it snows or rains or both those roads in that part of the country are nasty and you will get stuck if not prepared for the worst. Lots or ranches in that area too so better have a good plan if this is the area you want to switch to.

Thanks Brain for the imformation! that sure sounds like it could get alittle nasty up there, do you any idea how the Deer are in this unit?
Have not hunted in that unit so have no knowledge of how the hunting can be there. I hunted on the other side of Hwy 20/26 which is on the north side of this unit 89 a few years ago and those roads were no different so BE PREPARED.

I've spent some time in that area the past couple years and there are quite a few forks and 3x's. Harvest success is pretty good but I would guess a very high percentage is immature bucks. It will likely take some work to find bigger bucks. Deer densities are higher than the adjacent unit 90 (which has a lot of areas void of deer). There was a lot more snow in that vicinity this winter than in the past and from what I've heard the WG&F may be cutting back on tags due to winterkill. Also a lot of patchy private land to contend with. The hunter management areas that are open for antelope and elk aren't open to deer hunting so this limits the access for deer. As mentioned above bring 4 sets of chains and a shovel!
Thanks for all the imformation guy! I think I will stick with what I have put-in for. You guys crack me up about the 4 sets chains, you must have some real bad dirt roads and trails. Joe
Until there is cold enough weather to freeze the roads up you can get into some bad situations just about anywhere out in WY when you get off the gravel. I hunt the northcentral part up in the BigHorns and you just have to be careful where you go when you get moisture out there. I have one set of chains, but luckily have never had to put them on the 4x4 in all the years I've hunted out there since 1992.
Well thats good anough for me! I am going to stick it out with the other unit and just rent a motel room for a week, last year I towed my trailer up to wyoming for a cow hunt in November and just about killed myself trying to get hove to Utah, that 80 needs to be salted or something, there was about 2" of ice for about 50 mile of it and that really sucked. thanks for all the imfo. on unit 89, it really helped me! Garth needs to put this in his magazine before saying in the top 5 units to put in for.

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