Unit 74 Idaho Deer


Has anybody been successful in 74 Idaho recently? Will be hunting up there in a few weeks and am excited to see some critters. Last year I hunted 24 with no luck, possibly the worst hunting I’ve ever experienced. Did as much research I could on 74 and looks like it averages around 30% success rate. Happy to hear anyone’s hunting stories they’ve had in 74!
I dont hunt that side of the state , but 2022 & 2023 Winters were pretty Brutal on the deer & elk herds in those South East units. I would imagine you are going to have a H3ll of a time finding Any deer.. The Idaho Fish & NO Game Idiots said in their reports that they saw an 80% mortality rate in those units !! I believe those #s are way higher, but that is their way off saying we are still above our Objectives !!!

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