LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-17 AT 07:55AM (MST)[p]I took my Brother-n-law on a antelope hunt 2015. He had been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer about a year prior. We struck out on trying to draw the better unit and had to go leftover. There was very little public property in the unit, and we wore him out trying to find a buck close. The chemo had taken all of his strength. He couldn't walk far with out being totally spent!
We finally found a landowner who was willing to do a trespass hunt and got his antelope on the 2nd to last day! I wish we had got his buck done the first day. It would have been a better time, and more enjoyable for him. He died 2 weeks after the hunt.
My advice, find a unit with the best success rate that he can draw and forget about trophy's. Also no one hunts until he has his! Lastly, have a back up plan. He may not be in the condition 2018 that he is in now.
May not be a bad idea to talk with g&f and your friend about the (shoot from a vehicle authorization) if he is up for it? My BIL would have no part of it before we left, but wished he had it during the hunt.