Unit 67 advice



I plan on hunting unit 67 for general deer. I would like to be able to have a base camp to come back to every night but have no prob hiking as much as needed. I will have a 4wheeler as well. Any recommended camp spots with a hike from location? Or a pretty central location that I could access much of the unit.
Anywhere above 9000'. Get on the forest service web site and you can view motorized and non-motorized trail heads. Use google earth to view altitude.
hey thanks for the advice. i have used google earth some it looks like it gets pretty rugged up there. I'm sure thats where i will want to be. Have you ever been up around upper or lower palisades lakes? would it be much better if i just toughed it out and hiked in and camped there, used that as a base camp?
Not to discourage you from hunting there, but be aware that that unit suffered very high winter losses 07/08 posting the highest fawn mortatlity in the state at over 90%(see Idaho Fish and Game's website for more information.)

The hunters that have been in that unit last year and the scouters this year are seeing very few bucks. You could still find a good buck, but the buck numbers seem to be way down.

Some of the units west of there faired much better that bad winter and seem to be recovering faster.

Good luck wherever you go.!

The Christian
There's a road at the top of Pine Creek that comes south from there. It dead ends at a campground. I few guys from Oregon are usually camped there as well as an outfitter. There's jump-off points all along that road though.
Lower and upper Palasades can only be reached by foot/horse. It's a nice hike and a great place to set up a base. The basins above/south of upper Palisades have always been good. Be prepared to hike in and stay, it's not a hike you'll want to do every day.
If you run into a white Ford Ranger at the top of one of the canyons, leave me a note.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
By the way, Christian is right, it did suffer really bad winterloss. Last year was by far the worst I've seen it in years. I did see some bucks but I know my canyons really well. I went scouting last weekend and it was still hurting.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"

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