unit 57 wyoming

Can't help you with an outfitter but that is a darn good unit. You can afford to be choosy.
You must of been given my tag by accident.... LOL. I've been putting in for this unit for 7 years and haven't drawn. Did you put in for the premium priced tag or the regular draw?

i put in for the regular draw(non resident). 1st time applying for this unit. also drew the nov mule deer tag in unit 128/129. in the process of trying to find a reputable outfitter. any suggestions would be great.

Holy crap! Screw hunting and go to Vegas. You just drew 2 of the most coveted (if not THE most coveted) tags in the state. Congrats.
I also drew unit 57 for antelope and I live close by. You do not need an outfitter. If you PM me or email me we can talk about where you should hunt. I have helped a couple other hunters get b and c bucks in this unit, now its finally mine turn :)
YH- wyoming help


My daughter and I drew tags in unit 42. I want to give her a quality antelope hunting experience (not shooting from a 4x4) and I want to hunt kind of late to miss the crouds and maybe find a trophy during the rut. Do you know any outfitterws/ranches who can help me in that unit? Thanks.
I also drew 57 and have never been in the unit. I do not expect you to totally serve me up but any advice would be great.
PM me or email me and I can help you out, I've spent a lot of time in the unit, I have a few pics of past hunts from there and also I'm going to go out in the unit this week and take some pics.

Congrats on both of those tags, that is really some accomplishment. Your the 2nd person I've heard who has drawn 57 on the 1st try. I've been there several times to scout(never had a tag) in hopes of a draw. I always saw big bucks down there. I don't think you should need an outfitter unless you just don't have the time to scout or stay very long. You can be as picky as you like, I've seen many goats i know would go book.

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