Unit 53 Goats-Baggs-What happened?



We hunted 53 just east of Baggs in 2006 and there were antelope running everywhere despite the zillion new roads and rigs. My dad drew a buck tag this year and the place seems like a wasteland. In a 5 hours of driving around the unit, we saw 4 bucks and 2 does. That's it!!! I heard about "some" winter kill but geez. WY issued 200 buck tags this year for this unit. Anybody know anything?
Winter kill. I talked to the bio in that area before the winter was over and he said it was grim. In 2007 they issued 550 buck tags and 750 doe/fawn tags. This year, 200 buck tags and 25 doe/fawn.
The winter kill was Bad. going to take a few years for things to get back to normal even if the drought is over. Saw a pic from just north of High Savery with 12' high snow drift still there the 10 of June. I post it if I can find it.
We hunted 53 for the past two seasons and I grew up in Rawlins so I have a lot of experience in this unit. GotLost is right it was a bad winter die-off but from my experience this area gets better and you see more goats later in the season. Two years ago it seemed as if there were goats everywhere, and some good ones at that. My hunting buddy shot one that was right at 81". Then last year we were in the unit three days before the opener and by opening day we were pretty unimpressed with the amounts of goats. Needless to say we saw three goats that I felt were respectable and our group shot all three. Mine being the biggest this year at 82 5/8". When I saw the cut in tags before I applied we decided to hunt a different unit this year, one that I am also familiar with, area 63. We will have to wait and see but for those that drew 53, keep your heads up, the goats will move in once the weather begins to cool down.

In 82 they cut doe/fawn deer tags to 10 this year and type 1 deer tags to 10. they also shortend the gen season. I haven't looked at 84.
The bio. asked for some cuts but the higher ups made bigger cuts then Tim asked for. Between drill activity, the drought and this winter the deer are having a tuff go.
Talk to a guy who has 53 goat tags and drove through it on Sunday. He said he only saw 20 goats total
Tell him to look closer to baggs and further east in the unit. They are still around. Just not the over abundance that they have been in the past.


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