unit 47 antelope



Hello All,
Was lucky enough to draw a leftover 47 muzzy antelope tag.I have been down that way and seen the country but never hunted. Just curious if anyone has spent any time down that way. Going down scouting next week and was wondering if anyone had some suggestoin on were maybe to start. Also, was wondering if anyone had contacts or knew any landowners down that way that may let someone on for a small trespass fee. Thanks for any help. Feel free to ask back.

Ridgeline Outdoors Hunt Staff.
There is a lot of that land in Access yes, check it out. I had that tag 16 years ago and said I would never go back. Guys on 4 wheelers and trucks chasing antelope all over. If I were you I would go down but don't get discouraged by the idiots. Keep in mind the season is long and wait if you can. After the idots thin out the hunting gets better. Ron
hunt as close to the nevada border as you can................

Hello All,
>Was lucky enough to draw a
>leftover 47 muzzy antelope tag.I
>have been down that way
>and seen the country but
>never hunted. Just curious if
>anyone has spent any time
>down that way. Going down
>scouting next week and was
>wondering if anyone had some
>suggestoin on were maybe to
>start. Also, was wondering if
>anyone had contacts or knew
>any landowners down that way
>that may let someone on
>for a small trespass fee.
>Thanks for any help. Feel
>free to ask back.
>Ridgeline Outdoors Hunt Staff.
i had this tag last year and i found some descent goats out their. i hunted on a water hole and some oppurtunity but i missed a shot and had a coyote twice run off the goats, about the fourth day of the hunt it dumped about 6" plus of snow. i left and didnt have time to go back due to other hunts......would i go back...hell ya i had alot of fun with my 12yr old trying to sneak up for a shot, everytime we got in range i would let him go take the shot and he had to stand up to see over the grass to shoot and they would bust him, but it was a blast trying to sneak up on one...i'll try to find my maps and see if i can get you a location on the spot, i didnt see one person where i was...goodluck!
Heading up Sunday morning, curious if anyone had any update information they would like to share.

Ridgeline Outdoors Hunt Staff.
I have a friend and a cousin with that tag. Both of them said they didn't see anything. They both did see some scouting but today was nothing but ATV's and trucks kicking up dust. I would wait until after october to get serious about getting one. Don't let the bad news get you down. Go down look it over and go back in a couple of weeks. A lot of guys will give up and you will be in a better position. good luck and let me know what you see. Ron
Saw 8 antelope today. Missed high on a solid 14" buck and had a misfire on a second smaller buck. Headed back out on Thursday. Was very dissapointed in the numbers, I covered ground from the resivor to the west boundary of the unit and everywhere in between to see 8 goats...but they are there and I will be back at it later this week.


Ridgeline Outdoors Hunt Staff.
Many people I talked to said the same thing. ALso WAY too many people. I do feel that the F&G needs to cut tags to 20 Archery, 20 ML. No more unlimited archery, ANYWHERE!!! Ron
I had that tag in '06. If i were to do it again (and would love to) id take the dirt road on the west side of the lake and drive it to the border of Nevada. I'd walk the fence (border) to the east well before day light and crest the hill (half tho 3/4 mile, maybe more, been a while)and cross over a little further east by a couple hundred yards and sit right on the fence and wait for daybreak.
They may cross at first light or slightly there after but the better bucks on that unit (some smokers) will cross into Nevada just as soon as the shooting starts.
Good Luck...

For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well-organized and armed militia is their best security.

Thomas Jefferson
Sorry, I thought the hunt hadn't started yet. Don't matter. The Good Bucks are on the Idaho/Nevada border just on the east side of the ridge directly east of the road.

For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well-organized and armed militia is their best security.

Thomas Jefferson

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