Very Active Member
looks like there are a bunch of concerned hunters over this joke of a hunt !!! for those wanting to apply for these 500 tags go to any liscense vendor & ask for controlled hunt # {1127} early hunt & {1128} late hunt & like me & hopefully another 400 plus hunters hang onto them until the next F&G meeting & hand them back to them or just throw them in the garbage ...for those that are actually going to go & hunt these does...MOST of which will be already BREED!!! Keep in mind not only are u killing a doe but also you maybe killing her UNBORN fawn or fawns....which in future years amounts to a bunch of deer
OR shoot mature dry grandma does that will probably die this winter anyways and put some more meet in the freezer. Win win? Maby that was there initial goal and left it for the hunters to figure it out, by eliminating them before eating up valuable feed for the pregos. Any avid deer hunter can tell a dry mature grandma. Not trying to ruffle feathers but since the supplying feed went out the window lets conservate smart: kill the ones that are gunna die anyway.
seriously !! in a herd of say 25 to 40 head of deer at 100 to 150 yards you think someone with a DOE tag is going to take the time & look for the DRY doe ???? I have been in 45 many many times & I have seen groups of up to 100 deer & over
LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-11 AT 10:59AM (MST)[p]*Then that's a problem with the hunter not the system from how I see it. Just trying to have some solution cause not hearing any others, other than feed and handing tags back in. Or instead of taking the time to find a dry doe atleast shoot one that's mature/closer to the grave, less fawnings left, etc to keep the doe population young, we want more mature bucks yes but not does, younger (2-4) years old are less prone to disease, tooth decay, and tend to be stronger (maby not as smart though). Soooo.... Depending on the winter range feed come next month it may be a good thing to shoot sone MATURE does.
Alot of people are concerned with this hunt. Maybe all of you experienced hunters should put out some info like huntfish714 is doing because you know people are going to hunt anyways, possibly even people that read this forum.

Personally, I don't agree with the hunt or the F&G. But if the only thing you can say is that either you don't agree or you're a retard, it doesn't help. We have a lot of us here who are going to get tags and not hunt. But you know some people are going to hunt, try and help them make a somewhat helpful decision.

We all have our ideas of what it should be like, but you have to try to get your point out there in a respectful manner if you want anyone to ever come around to your way of thinking.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-11 AT 04:07PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-11 AT 04:06?PM (MST)

explain to me how this doe hunt is more " retarded " than other draw doe hunts. it makes 1000 % more sense too me than the 1000 tags in 39. there are hardly any deer left......except for the three or four guys on here that see a couple hundred a day on their back pack hunts or more likely access to blm thru private ground everyone else cant get too :) but they are pro's the two or three dozen friends and contacts that hunted 39 i know and didn't see a fraction of the normal amount of game must be rank amatures i guess.....

at least the 45 deer won't starve too death, you going too hand feed them jetsled and all the other biologists here ?? are you going to pay for all the body damage from deer- car wrecks?

i very well may go get a tag . i don't want a deer to go to waste, and i love venison.
Boy your screen name pretty much says it all "Beavis."

Anyhow, I am opposed to the 1000 doe tags in 39 too. How can a late "gimme" slaughter hunt make any sense to you??? Your entire post contradicts itself. Basically what I get from your post is you hunt 39, can't get your a$$ into any deer, blame it on the 1000 doe tags; you don't hunt 43/44/45 so hell, why not go whack a doe there. I tell you what I wont do, hunt does in one of our only trophy units in the state, period. IN DECEMBER! I guess if it has to happen, give out a few tags to youth hunters. Let the kids go out and lean off the window and plunk one. I wouldn't even call you a hunter if you went out and acted like you were going on a hunt. You could go out in slippers, a pair of shorts, with a cup of joe and shoot one, that's real sporting. It's going to be a massacre and devastating to that deer herd.

I will say it AGAIN this hunt is "RETARTED"!
The hunt area for 45 will be from the bennit road to the hill city road. It will exclude the Camas cr drainage. Dempsy meadows is open for the slaughter. Ron
LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-11 AT 09:27AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-11 AT 09:20?AM (MST)

i am not a doe hunter , but IF we get weather i don't see what the harm is killing animals that will starve to death and rot. yes the hunt will be easy, but for depridation purposes why should it be hard? i am putting my dad in for this hunt, instead of calling hunters who want to use the deer that are going to go to waste " retards " call the f & g !! they are the ones that created the hunt. people who want meat will go for any opertunity the f & g offers. not everyone is a trophy hunter.
there was a very similer hunt in 45 but by gooding in the late eighties-early nineties. and guess what the hunting has been great in 45 for many years .

a good point was made in the other 45 post. transplant them to another unit. why not? they waste time, man hours and gas bringing played out steelhead to boise ? it's an idea
if the hunting in 45 is so great why did F&G do away with the unlimited muzzy hunts & why are there 105 draw only tags for bucks & 250 does tags for a unit the size of 45 ???? could be because F&G finally realized thru Idaho Hunters & Sportsmen not only were they killing the Trophy bucks in 45 but they were also killing a good portion of the breeder bucks for 45.. not to mention the Trophy & breeder bucks that migrate from 39 43 44 48 49 & 52 that were also getting hammered..
BECAUSE ITS A TROPHY UNIT!!!!!!! WHY ELSE??? Look at how many people put in for it and non res!$$$ we need a trophy unit that competes with Kaibab, AZ and southern Utah etc... The fees generate the revenue not unlimited tags, unlimited and alot of tags = conspiracy of spooky game and rare trophies. They did good with that to boost everyones egos about guaranteeing a trophy if draw and that's why its popular =$$$. and that is why its not open for bucks as questioned in the other thread. I have already got my deer for the year and am happy with it and now I'm putting in for this because i hunt to conservate and because i like meet. Thanks others for putting in your 2Cents also!
It sounds like F&G isn't planning on a 2nd drawing or selling leftover tags for this hunt. So, if you are against this hunt and plan on applying and then sitting on your tag; it sounds like you won't even have to buy the $19.75 tag. So it'll only cost you $6.25 to help.

Remember to put in before this Friday the 18th.
Hunt #1127 and #1128
regardless if you think that it is a big buck unit managed poorly or not. regardless if you think we should be bale to hunt it unlimited or not. the point of this is that we need to give these does a fighting chance this winter! Killing does right after the rut is stupid for many reasons.

put in for the hunts, sit on the tags, and help out the deer you love to hunt for the future of this unit as well as many others!!!

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