unit 39



i drew the earl tag, only problem is i live in montana now i hope the spot where i killed my buck last time will still hold deer, just wondering if anybody hunted up there last year , and how the deer are doing. should be some decent antrler growth this year, any info would be great.
The deer numbers are usually pretty good in 39, but expect to get into shape and go high. Glass,glass, glass.... dont expect to see many big bucks. fun hunt, but very tough.. good luck...sometimes the lower elevation will hold good bucks as well, just a matter of finding them.
I drew the same tag!! I am looking forward to giving this early hunt a try. I usually hunt in this unit and last year I saw some pretty good bucks, however nothing to really brag about. No question the bucks are there....it's just a matter of locating them.

I will say I have heard this is a killer of a hunt and being in good physical condition will be imperative.

yeah its high rugged and steep but that why i like it. i found a good area and killed a decent buck the last day i was able to hunt i would post a pic but i can't get it to work. i found a ridge line that lets me move from basin to basin with ease to glass and not lose elevation that was key for me.
ive hunted this hunt the heat is the biggest killer but dont give up at like nine in the morning cuz of the heat the year i hunted i spoted my bucks moving around 11 not just bucks but like a 30 in 5by and i flat out missed a 7x7 in full velvet (ya just my luck) its a differnt world at that time of year to get use to it just get out off the beatin trail and walk any chance you get any where being ready for the heat is the biggest thing people dont really think about from every one ive talked to who has hunted this hunt
wow sounds like you saw some nice bucks i killed a 29 inch 3x4 with almost 7 inch bases he was kind of crabby. i saw one other buck that was bigger but didn;t ge a great look. my time was limited as it is this year so once again i will look for a mature 175 or better. if you didn't mind i wouldn't mind comparing notes on some things.
i drew a potentially good buck tag....if i send you some gps coordinates, will you check them out too? oh ya, its not in 39:) j/k.

in all seriousness, i like reading this kind of stuff. its good to see people are still willing to help others out.

+1 buddy
I drew the late 39-3 either sex archery hunt. Do any of you know a good place in that area to hunt. I figured I would ask since I have never hunted deer with a bow before. Thanks a ton for anything.
That late hunt is not a big secret, You will have a little company. But it really can be an easy hunt. If the weather hits, WOW. If weather is late, bummer. There will be shooting opportunities. Just not the biggest bucks. They tend to hold up before getting that low anymore...

You will sleep in Boise every night, warm comfy bed, cold beer and ESPN football w/highlights. Next morning it's back to glassing and stalking, can't wait!!!
i must not have checked that one out. thats not a general hunt anymore? i hunted that a couple years ago and had an absolute blast. we hunted around danskin. that is true....if the weather is bad, hunting will be good. you will see TONS of game. good luck!
there is the regular 39 late bow season and then there is the permit that is only good for the foothills directly north of town
the 39-3 extends later into the year as well. all the way to Dec. 16 or something like that. It is only for the portion of 39 in ada county. It will be our first time hunting it too. I've heard it's a blast but am also learning with the winters not being as bad as they once were it might be better to just stick with the regular season tag and go high. I'm sure if we did that though it would be a record cold and snow like winter. I'm going to hunt the regular 39 late archery and the wife will get the 39-3 controlled late archery. Best of both worlds!!!
I got that figured out I just dont know whats the best route to get up past atlanta to start "hiking up"
>I got that figured out I
>just dont know whats the
>best route to get up
>past atlanta to start "hiking

Get a map, and get into shape!!
Try the wilderness area behind atlanta there's few deer but when you do see one it's a good one.
i'll be going in monday the 17 for six days, i have two buddies goin one the friday before and will be filming and glassing so hopefully they will get in to where i want them and make sure my bucks are still there. i am so read to get in the highcountry hopefully it isn't to freakin hot but looks like it will be.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-08-09 AT 07:21PM (MST)[p]I appreciate the advice (htnfool). I think I may have found a decent place to check out, the only problem I see is that it the hike in is over six miles. It will be well worth it if I can connect with a monster. Thanks again.
Knowone has mentioned the wolves in 39... they've killed almost everything , is there any elk left? early 39 ...HOT 39 rifle to many people late archery to many jerks... close it down for a couple of years.. those damm deer are hunted from aug. 15 to nov.30 and by wolves 24/7 ,lots of wolves. sorry I guess I'm tired of fish and game thinking about money before the game...
we saw around 30 elk 11 bulls and 6 were 6 points. but we also seen tracks, heard the wolves and seen a few. the wolves are there and those elk are in some nasty down fall timbered holes. but one of the bulls was a real stud for idaho he was pushin the 365 to 370 mark i was pretty impressed. i wish i had elk tag for that guy. never connected on a muley we had three stalks and they didn't pan out unfortunatly wish i could back.
Was able to do some scouting in 39 this weekend and didn't see any elk, and very few deer. Some fresh elk sign, but also plenty of wolf sign, although we didn't physically see one.

tufcntry, might you be willing to lend a hand to someone trying to locate the elk this year? We normally hunt around the town of Prairie, and scouted the backside of Trinity this last weekend. After last years experience, really trying to hone in on them. Will be getting back out there in a few weeks, and some pointers would be greatly appreciated.
The chance of elk you scout now being in the same place on the first week of Nov is pretty slim.
>send me an e-mail and we'll
>see if we can work
>something out.
>[email protected]

Cody Howerton...Is this the same cody that I played baseball with on the 2001 Idaho Junior Olympic Team?


Ridgeline Outdoors Hunt Staff.
So whats the scoop anybody hear of any good bucks go down on the early hunt??

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