Unit 39 controlled hunt - cow elk



Just curious as to whether or not anyone has put in for the 39-1 or 39-2 cow elk hunts in the past and what your experience with those hunts have been. I'm in Boise and starting to look for a "freezer filling" hunt. I've never applied for a controlled hunt - always lived here and always have done the general seasons.

i hunt that almost every year. used to be a one and done day trip. now for whatever reason it's getting tougher. but my party usually gets one or two each year even now. between the four of us.weather helps enourmously however. it is an easy hunt with tons of access. with the impending doom of the higher gas prices it might be tougher to draw as i think a lot of boise hunters will be hunting closer to town. but maybe not....
Thanks, Bevis14. I'd probably make it into a night or two camping trip as well, with my boy. No sense in going back to town too soon. I apreciate your help.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-11 AT 08:51AM (MST)[p]>Just curious as to whether or
>not anyone has put in
>for the 39-1 or 39-2
>cow elk hunts in the
>past and what your experience
>with those hunts have been.
> I'm in Boise and
>starting to look for a
>"freezer filling" hunt. I've
>never applied for a controlled
>hunt - always lived here
>and always have done the
>general seasons.

Well Mark, based on the success rates I'm not sure any elk hunt can be considered a "freezer filler", at least not in Idaho and certainly none that have a very high probability of drawing. Of the hunts you mention, and I would throw in the unit 32a cow as consideration also, if you have 3-4 individuals put in you will have 1-2 draw and if you put in some time and the weather comes you should put something in the freezer most of the time, but not shooting from the road. You typically will have plenty of competition and deer hunters pushing the elk around at the same time. It should be easier than the 39 general bull hunt though.

Good Luck!
Hi BPKHunter. I don't mind working for my hunts. I rather enjoy it, actually. I'm working extra hard this "off season" on getting my butt in better shape so my "post hunt recovery" doesn't take so darn long! :) And, as prices keep going up and up in the grocery store, I just want some meat in the freezer. I haven't hunted elk in years, and my boy has never been... so, it should be an adventure for both of us, should we draw.

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