unit 38 moose hunt



LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-14 AT 08:09PM (MST)[p]with years of planning and waiting i have finaliy stood at a chance to draw a bull tag and had a hard time deciding between the bighorns and 38 and chose 38 my brother put in for a cow moose and i put in for the bull well my 30% chance of drawing failed me and not sure i would of wanted to draw.. we went for a week and learned alot about the unit and was very disappointed with numbers talked with other moose hunters that had not even seen a moose and went home empty handed both bull hunters but could kill a cow we seen 3 cows with no calves and 1 decent bull and a couple bulls prob about 2yrs old talked to locals and they said the population has been dropping every yr for the last few yrs. it felt so wrong for harvesting a cow but we had a big investment and needed the meat for the freezer and im in shock that wf&g would issue 20 either sex tags with 20 cow tags and ruin a trophy area going to look at the bighorns or other units with low tag #s
Back when I drew 38, I think they only gave out 6 any moose tags. I shot one just over 50" wide and saw two others scouting that were bigger. A biologist then advised they were managing 38 for quality. Several years later I asked a biology supervisor why they were increasing tag numbers. He said moose numbers were increasing and they were changing from quality to opportunity. He indicated with moose numbers down in the western side of the state and they were picking up the slack where they could. If you go to Elk Mountain Outfitters website, they have a picture of a moose on the bottom right. It was taken the first year they had a season in the early 2000's. It was 63" wide if I remember correctly.

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