Unit 316 backpack hunt



Thinking of doing an early October backpack hunt for Mule deer in The Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness unit 316. I have done quite a bit of this type of hunting just never in this area. Any suggestions or thoughts on the unit?
Good luck. Don't believe there is much in the way of pressure, I've seen some nice bucks in there during the summer, and I know of a guy that has taken a couple good bucks during rifle.

Any idea on the number of grizzlies that inhabit the zone and the chances are of having griz issues?
If you're going to the AB, you should expect to see grizzlies. Not necessarily saying you will, but the odds are high enough, to where you might as well assume and prepare as such.

Buy a wolf tag, it's open early in there and they knocked the piss out of them last year.
LAST EDITED ON May-15-10 AT 11:03AM (MST)[p]Back in 01 or 02 not sure a bear came in though the side of a wall tent. A lot of shooting doing on the nigth. Ran into the guys on the trail one was a cop.
I hunted it with an outfitter in 07. even he said "go ahead and get the combo in case we see a deer back there. occasionally there's a nice one but it's not likely you'll get a trophy, we don't see much over 24-25 inches if that." I think too much snow builds up back in there for Deer to hang around so they get out early. I have seen a lot of nice deer (believe it or not) just outside the park and up into Tom Minor. After filling my tag one year I saw one up bear creek trail that would have made a once in a decade field and stream cover.

Lots of grizzly sign back in 316. plenty of it fresh and very large. I didn't hang around to introduce myself. lots of wolf sign too, can't have gotten any better in a couple years.

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