unit 30 barbary

Spent 4 days in three areas that I've seen lot's of sheep in over the past 4-5 yrs. I never saw a sheep. Hunted with 2 other gents who know sheep well and they never saw a sheep either. we each put in well over 30 miles and glassed for countless hours. Sheep were no where to be found. We did come across a guy who shot a nanny out on a ridge we were on. Said she was bedded against the cliff and by herself. Not sure where all the sheep are this yr, but they are hard to find.

Will be heading out again next weekend for another go. I have some really nasty areas in mind to try!! Good luck.
My hunt partner and I just got back from 14 days of hunting/scouting/traveling for Barbary in 30. Wow, heard that it was a tough hunt, and it did not disappoint in that regard. It was tougher than a Wyoming wilderness bighorn DIY hunt.
Hunted 9 days and saw 11 sheep, only two of which were rams. Passed on both rams, thinking we could come back and find them our last day if we struck out. We struck out and then had a heck of a time finding them the last day. Could not find the larger of the two rams, so had to hurry to the other location and try and find the smaller one. Found him and ended up getting a shot just before dark. What a pack out in the dark, through the cliffs and rocks.
We easily walked 10 miles a day and spent countless hours behind glass. Spent a lot on fuel too.
Had a blast and now that we sort of learned the country and where they live, we hope to be able to draw again in the future.
Thanks to all that so generously gave us advice. You know who you are so I wouldn't name you in this, but if you ever need info on WY, MT, CO, or AK hunting (and AK fishing), send me a PM and I will do everything I can to help you.
Only advice I have for others is great boots, spend time behind really good glass, and have a great hunting partner (and don't forget a flashlite-it is hard walking out in the dark without one).
Thanks to my hunting partner! It is hard to stay motivated for a long hunt when you don't see many animals. Plus it is a tough hunt both physically and mentally.
Sorry for the resized picture, but I know that some of you would figure out the location with some of the background and since someone was so generous to give us his little honeyhole, I could not ruin it for him.
Only negative thing I can say about the hunt was the litter (beer cans-most of which were the king of beers, lite) everywhere. Met a nice rancher that said that he picks up a basket load of cans everytime he goes to check cows. We picked up enough cans to almost cover the bed of the truck. That is pathetic and I would have loved to have witnessed a litterer to turn into G&F.
Good luck to those still chasing sheep.

That is how it is done. To whack one your first year is pretty dang good. Nice job WYmoose. Sounds like you put in your work.
Congrats!! I was hoping I might run into you guys out there but congrats on a nice ram! It's been a tough year on most of us with sheep, so you did well!

Congrats again and way to stick with it and get it done.
Way to stick with it! That's a nice sheep!
I leave Friday for 7 days of hiking those hills. I can't wait!
good work nothing worth doing is easy and you guys got it done congrats once again on a good sheep great hunt

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