Unit 29 Bull Elk??



My buddy drew this hunt and I'm thinking of tagging along to help him out. Is this still a quality elk unit? I think the dates are Oct 1-15. Any starting points? PM me. Thank you in advance!!
Nothin like it used to be. There are some big bulls in the unit just hard to find. Wolfs have been hard on the elk herd in that area.
I was glassing about 300 elk in two separate herds the last week of April. I will go again the last week of July and take another look to see how the antlers are progressing. Last season I saw a beautiful 6x6 in the 360 range. Getting into 29 is the hard part. From Hwy 93 there is the Twelve Mile entrance but it's pretty busy. A little south (across the hwy from Elk Bend unit 3)is the Poison creek road but you have to get permission from Elizabeth (land owner) to get access. This would be my favorite choice. Just south about 5 miles is a dirt road to a lone house, but the road continues past the house and paralells back north with hwy 93. The mountain is south west facing with a nice alfalfa field at the bottom. This herd grazes on the alfalfa at night then wanders up the hill at first light. If you go farther south to Ellis and go East towards the Pahsemori hatchery then turn north you might have some luck but it's pretty long drive back to the north. Along Hwy 28 you can get to the North side of unit 29 but if there is snow the Elk will switch to the south facing slopes. Good Luck!
I spent a week scouting 28,29 and 37A in the Hwy 93 area. All of the elk except a few cows are up high in all zones. There has been so much rain and the grass is thick in the high country so there has been no need for the elk to come down to the alfalfa along the Salmon river. Hell, the grass and weed were so high on my property I had to look hard to find the quad trailer.
Here is what I would suggest and what I would do if I had a 29 tag.....Park at the trail head at "Warm Springs" off Hwy 93 in Elk Bend. Take backpacks for 2 to 3 days and hike in about 4 miles (all uphill) you will be deep into a good Elk area. Carefull though, don't go south of the Poison creek and it's drainages that is the area boundry and changes to 37A.
I saw plenty of fresh sign up there and lots of food and water. I would suspect the elk will hold up high until a good snow pushes them down.
Good Luck......let me know how you do wherever you hunt.
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