Unit 17 sheep


Long Time Member
Heard the lone permit holder really knocked it out of the park...pictures at 11:00...
I heard the tagholder took a 5 1/2 year old ram, which is probably about the top end that can be realistically expected from the unit at this point, since the sheep were only re-introduced into the unit about 4 years back. Congrats to the lucky hunter.

There's probably only one ram over 6 1/2 in the unit from the original re-introduction, but finding 1 sheep in that unit might be like looking for a needle in a haystack (if he's even alive, hasn't traveled out of the unit, etc.) I think that if the herd can hang on and continue to grow, the next 3-5 years might be interesting. Did hear through the grapevine that there was dissapointment over the lack of "trophy" sheep in the unit. A little unrealistic when you take into account the relatively recent re-colonization of the area.

It's a pretty cool area, and there's been alot of investment into habitat improvement over the last several years, especially from non-profit organizations (Wyo Wild Sheep Foundation, RMEF, Wyo WNRT). It would be nice to see this type of work continued, probably needed to start happening 20-30 years ago, so we're really behind the curve. If folks support this type of work, they need to let the powers-that-be know.

Didn't realize this was top secret. I already posted this here quite awhile ago and pic's of the sheep and the area on another site. You can probably figure it out...

I agree with you on the work that's gone into that herd, seems at least one tag holder holds no appreciation for that effort. The work going into that unit is also benefitting more than sheep.

What I don't understand, is in the information age, that a thimble full of research wasn't used prior to application time.

I also cant quite understand 18 years of applications, being the lone tag holder, and whacking a 5.5 year old ram early in a hunt...brutal. Even more brutal when there's a chance that a few ancient rams are still in the area, according to those in the know.

I guess some just take the easy way out...and then whine after the fact.

Nice picture Ernie...the pack out looked pretty tough. I bet the steaks on that meat ram were good though.

I have sat back and watched your posts from afar. I don't understand the reason to fling poo at a hunter who filled his tag with something he is satisfied with. I know there is probably more to the story but it always comes off arrogant and condescending.

You have great success and couldn't be happier for you. I guess what I'm saying is this forum is a great place so don't stink it up or I might have to break out my repertoire of short man jokes!

Carry on

LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-14 AT 01:15PM (MST)[p]Rich,

I agree with you, my comments on this thread are definitely out of line.

Just a hypothetical for you.

Lets say a hunter kills a ram after burning 18 points, early in the season, and within a couple weeks is at a WYGF commission meeting complaining about the lack of trophy quality in the unit.

Does that sound like a satisfied hunter?

Yeah, me neither. Sounds more like a spoiled child that just threw his sucker in the dirt. I have no problem with people shooting what they want, and if they're happy, I'm more happy.

Further, lets say that 4-5+ years ago the same "hunter"...hacks personal information to find out where another true sportsman applies for permits? I suppose when the very best you can do is live vicariously through others, such behavior is to be expected.

Its really sad the level another hunter would stoop...but with Ernest Trujillo, he sees nothing wrong with it. Pathetic excuse of a "hunter", and is a prime example of everything that is wrong with hunting. Its too bad that people like him even bother hunting, a wanna-be hack, as a best case.

Other than that, Ernie is a stand-up guy...

Help clarify a few things?

But again, I agree with you that I've been out of line. I think exposing an asshat, for the d-bag he is, is worth it though.

Carry on...
If WY gave me a sheep tag I wouldn't complain one bit. Knew there was more to the story, but Buzz let it go and you will be better for it. Great season this year.

Howdy Doody, when you repeat 3rd & 4th hand information without knowing the facts, it makes you look like a bigger dumb azz than you already are.

Yer buddy JM outta get his story straight. I've never spoke to any commissioners. A person at the G&F who I won't name advised right before the season opened that the hunter who had the tag the prior year may've wounded and lost the two largest rams in the area. My gripe to a biologist was they should've closed the season for a year or two if they knew multiple animals had been killed including several of their older age classes rams. I knew going in the only rams they had were from their 2009 transplant. Not too hard to figure out. I'm happy with my success and am looking forward to getting the mount back...
>Yer buddy JM outta get his
>story straight.

No, sorry Rick, it's you who needs to get the story straight. You want to drag me into this? Fine.

Truth is I don't take much stock into what guys say on here when they hide their identity. You want to act like you're 'in the know', you want to make accusations? Then let people know who you are.

It's your fault you didn't research the area before you applied. A good friend of mine did and didn't apply for 17 because what he was told.

But then, I'm sure you were looking more for an "easy" hunt and saving the price of paying an outfitter. Classic sheep country on the Seminoe's, isn't it?

I didn't get any information from JM regarding your whining...your reputation precedes you. Multiple reports of your sour-grapes attitude.

I actually think you did pretty well on the sheep, considering your crossed eyes, pop-bottle glasses, Michael Jackson signature leather gloves, and excessive drooling.

Ouch, that'll leave a mark!
I'm glad I tuned in to catch the drama.
Don't mind me,

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