Unit 165


Active Member
I am looking at putting in for unit 165 this fall. From what I can tell this unit is a desert unit with a few water sources running through it. It appears that the terrain is a mix of flats and canyons.

I am wondering what the deer numbers are like in this area. Also, does this area hold any decent bucks? I do have pronghorn points also, would it be wise to pick up a tag in unit 81 or 82 for lopes?
Best do your homework in 165 most of that region is private, the area on the river is the best butt mostly booked up. Even the country in the badlands is private and some of it you need permission to hunt. Some is a ranch that allows access
Besides what Springfever mentioned, those two antelope units have poor draw odds from what I saw on the G&F website. You need to really rethink and secure a place to hunt before you apply for the draws and possibly waste a whole bunch of money if you draw and then don't have a place to hunt. This happens more often than a lot of people realize when they have not hunted out of state before.
From what I can see 165 is almost all BLM with the exception of the river. I guess I am wondering if anyone has hunted or been in this unit, and to what the deer numbers look like. I have enough points to draw both tags, so that will not be a problem.

I realize that many deer will be keying in on the agriculture, but it looks like there may be some good cuts and breaks deeper in the unit. Any more help would be appreciated. I know someone has been in this unit at one point or another.

>From what I can see 165
>is almost all BLM with
>the exception of the river.
> I guess I am
>wondering if anyone has hunted
>or been in this unit,
>and to what the deer
>numbers look like. I
>have enough points to draw
>both tags, so that will
>not be a problem.
>I realize that many deer will
>be keying in on the
>agriculture, but it looks like
>there may be some good
>cuts and breaks deeper in
>the unit. Any more
>help would be appreciated.
>I know someone has been
>in this unit at one
>point or another.

Unless I'm looking at the wrong unit. It looks like it is almost all BLM land.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-11 AT 06:29PM (MST)[p]Okay, I had time this evening to go into my Wyoming CD ROM program and most of deer unit 165 is public land, except the river area. I was back and forth through there on the highway going to the taxidermist in Cody on October 10th last year and there were a lot of antelope within view through that whole area. It looked good for deer too, but that was just what I could see looking out the truck window. From what I could see the country is pretty much as you described. It is an arid area with plenty of low cover and lots of cuts and small canyons that would make for good spot and stalk hunting for antelope or deer. I was riding with my buddy who lives out there and he did mention that whole area is good for antelope.

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