Unit 125 or 141/162... anyone have experience there? Good or Bad.



Looking for different units to put in for this upcoming season. Checking out 141/162 and then 125. I looked in the archives and found only limited info on both units. Seems the only units people speak highly of are 101,102,and 90. I'm a NR with max points so region G or H is out of the question.

Looking for an area where we can put in some work and have a decent chance at some bucks. I know it's hit and miss, but wanted to know if anyone had any good or bad info about the two areas I listed? It'll help my decision.

I know the season dates for 141/162 are earlier than they were in the past and it was known for being a good migration unit.

125 starts on Nov.1st, and shows it has a ton of public land.

Thanks for any help in advance. Also willing to take other suggestions.
Unit 125 is almost all BLM land and, although it's not crawling with deer, most of the locals even put in for that limited quota unit because of the good chance at a quality buck. My buddy from Sheridan puts that unit as his first choice every year and has shot some awful nice bucks when he has drawn the tag. I've only gone out in the unit one day with him and that was right at the start of the season after I had hunted with a General tag east of there. He shot a real nice wide 3x3 that he really wished he had passed on because he had so much time left in the season. He had a lot of stuff going on at work that year though and I guess he figured he better take the opportunity that presented itself. The good thing about that 125 tag is that the rut is usually bringing some good bucks out of their hideyholes by the second week and I need not say any more than that! You'll draw that tag with your PPs and if you put in two good weeks, or at least the last 8-10 days out there pounding the ground, I think you will come away a happy camper!!! You can camp out on the BLM just about anywhere or stay in one of the many motels in Worland if that suits your fancy and you're not on a tight budget. I like to camp right out in my hunt area, but some like that shower ever day, LOL!!!
Thanks for the info. I heard it's a big area to cover on foot, so if we do go with 125 and draw the tag we'll probably be out there for the entire season.
141/162 have the elk hunts opening the very same day------could be some real crowd control issues and with the earlier dates/shorter hunt season.........

I dunno........I am in the same max pool as you-----I do have my 2nd choice already decided though---'cheapie fee' of course.

+1 on staying in Worland with the 125 late tag.

I am sure Thermopolis is fine but I have never stayed there.

I also forgot to mention that there is a campground on the north side of the highway on the east end of Worland near the bulk of the hotels. We stayed there in our camper a couple nights the year I went with John out in 125 that one day. Here is one he took out of 125 a few years ago that I happened to have a picture of.
Huh... I didn't even think about elk hunters being out there. That is a good point. I hate choosing a unit as much as I hate waiting to see if I drew.

Hopefully I'll figure it out soon and then I can quit second guessing every unit. It's just hard when you have no personal knowledge of areas.

Thanks for the info.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-11 AT 08:08PM (MST)[p] When does the deer hunt start? Deer hunters won't want to be where the elk hunters are on the oct 1st opener in 95, and the main elk season opens oct 15th there, but there still shouldn't be much to worry about. Im not sure about the 93 elk area opener but I still can,t imagine it being a problem.
I guess it can go 1 of 2 ways... not a lot of people out there makes less pressure and more of an ability to spot/stalk, or lots of people/pressure gets them up and moving. Either way would work, I just like a little seclusion. Just my personal preference.
Curious as to why G and H are out of the question? I know this isn't probably what you want to hear but g and h ( mostly g) probably put out more big muleys than the rest of the state combined.

Everyone thinks because a hunt takes x amount of points it's better.... It just ain't so. Might be fewer people around, but odds are if you want to kill a really big deer you'll do it in g or h.

If you want to kill a pisscuter 160 buck you can do that just about anywhere with some work.

"Dear MacGuyver, Enclosed is a rubber band, a paper clip, and a drinking straw. Please save my dog." Peter Griffin aka The Family Guy
It's not that G or H are out of the question because of quality of animals. I could have drawn G probably every other year and don't want to burn max points on a draw where I could have gone a couple times in the time I've sat on my PP.

In the future G or H will probably be a hunt I will plan, rather than stacking up PP. But for now I want to find a limited entry unit that won't have as many hunters as the general region areas.
300 shortmag- I guess you would need to have some experence hunting in those areas to know what Im talking about. There are always a few smoker bucks taken out of region G, and a handful or two of really nice mature ones, but there are thousands of hunters, and the average age buck taken is probably less than 2 1/2 years old, in my opinion your odds are much better at having a quality experence and taking a quality animal in the draw units.
I'm with you 300Shortmag. Use my max points on a limited unit and than hunt G or H every couple years after that. Will only have max points in Wyoming once!!!!!!

Oct. 1 st deer opener too....

Double check the Type 2 elk tags and you will see what I ment by crowd control.....

Plus the Type 6 tags will be visiting the deer units Oct 1st too.

300---are you in the same boat with elk points too?
Not being nosey at all ----just thinking you could look for an overlap deer unit for the elk unit you might be wanting to draw and go for both and maybe draw one and get to know both species with in?

Plus you would know the elk results before the deer deadline---most every year for like ever!

Just brainstormin' with ya.....


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