Unit 120 Deer


Very Active Member
Just wondering if anyone has intel on this unit. Really looking for a general idea of what to expect. Plan on pre-scouting several times prior to opener. Always fun to hear what other people have experienced in new units.
Thanks in advance!
It is mostly private so I'd make sure you have a place to hunt. WT and mulies. The WT seem to be way down these past 3 years or so.
WW---Did you not do any research before you put in for that tag because it's about 95% reservation and private property? There is only one small area up in the northeast corner that is public land that you even have a prayer to access legally. As ralphie stated, you best pray that you can get access to a private ranch or you are going to have one heck of a time on that hunt!
Get a gps with a landowner chip in it. You might be surprised where you can hunt. I got one a couple of years ago, wish I could have got one years ago.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-03-13 AT 06:58PM (MST)[p]>Get a gps with a landowner
>chip in it. You might
>be surprised where you can
>hunt. I got one a
>couple of years ago, wish
>I could have got one
>years ago.

***A GPS with chip is great, but it won't increase the few measily square miles of public land that's accessible up in the northeast section of that unit! There is about a 20 square mile area between the eastern boundary (hwy 120)and Hamilton Dome to the west up in the extreme northeast part of the unit that has a couple of legal accessible roads that will require a lot of walking into the area and that's it.
I went with The recommendation of Hunter Services. I was aware of a mix of public and private just surprised of the small amount of public. Oh we'll I have know one to blame but myself. Hopefully can find some landowners that will allow access. Might need to budget for a trespass permit. Still better than staying home!
I think there is also some walk in sections in that unit. Check in on walk in areas and hunter management areas. Im from wyo and I almost put in for that area myself.
Thanks I will check with WG&F on Monday. I like the idea of the walk in areas if available. Heck I hunt an area here in Utah that is 6-8 square miles and it has treated me great over the years. It's hard to beat a hunt in Wyo regardless of the challenges. Once again thanks a ton for your insight.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-04-13 AT 11:20AM (MST)[p]Paul---That's the first thing I tried to do after I made my initial post regarding that area to try and help you find a place to hunt. That section of the G&F website was down for upgrading from 2012 to 2013 and it's still down. Maybe there will be some decent acreage between those two programs that you can take advantage of when it is back online. Go on the G&F website and highlight "HUNTING" at the top of the page and then go over to the right side of the page and you will see the HMA and WIHA programs to click on and get the information we're talking about. Hopefully it won't be too many more days before they get those sections up and running again with all the 2013 information. Other than that, I'm afraid you may need to find a place for a fee or do a lot of walking in that one area I mentoned that you can legally access. Make sure and take a couple hours to visit Thermopolis and you'll love the Wind River Canyon getting up to the hunt area, as it's a fantastic drive of 20+ miles with some gorgeous scenery.
According to eastmans, they are calling it a green chip area. They are giving it a B for trophy potential, B for hunting pressure, C for access, C for terrain, and a B for quality of the hunt. As of 2012 that area has 1,169 acers of walk in access. I almost put in for that area because it has a 44 percent resident draw odd (Wich is good) and its a november hunt that I think would be a good time! Just get a BLM map so you know where you can hunt and Im sure you will do just fine.
According to Eastmans:
In 2011 86% killed bucks
In 2010 78% killed bucks
In 2009 72% killed bucks
In 2008 68% killed bucks
In 2007 62% killed bucks
That dont sound to bad to me. Sounds like a fun hunt to me!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-04-13 AT 05:23PM (MST)[p]Eastmans don't know squat about some areas and how they can say that unit has a C for access is beyond me. It's certainly labeled as difficult access by the G&F on the website. I read Eastmans and they said one elk unit i was in had easy access and was easy terrain when actually it was rougher than haydes with steep grades and canyons and you just about had to pay someone to hunt because all the public land was inaccessible. Sure the kill rate in 120 is good! It should be when 95% of the unit is private property and the hunt is when the rut is coming on. There are only about a dozen tags issued to NRs in the draws for that unit based on the low overall tag number issued.

I have hunted it twice with good success. Private is an issue but not the end of the world. Landowners are friendly and helpful. Contact the local warden and he'll give you the list of landowners who will give you access. There is 1 pain in the ### landowner who owns the lions share of the dirt. There is good hunting around that dirt. Just know where your at on a BLM land status map with a GPS and your good. I'll dig my map up if you want more info. Expect a 140-160 buck. Did see a couple smoker whitetails.


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