Unit 10 Co Antelope




After waiting 13 years to hunt antelope in Colorado, it was over in an hour. I had fun with my "Guide" though. He had more fun sliding around in the mud in the truck than anything. Cedar
Thanks! I'll tell him. Hard to believe he was only 4 months old the last time I drew in 93. Cedar
Cedar-sounds like an excellent hunt and thx for the pic. Man that clay can get nasty when it's wet, but for sure the animals out ther eare OK with rain. How's the herd out there and were there more nice bucks around (aside from the trophy you took down quickly!)? I've got 10 pp's and just about ready to hunt, to say the least.

Doug, Yes it was a lot of fun. Honestly we didn't see the numbers of antelope I expected. I scouted the weekend before the season and found this buck to be the best one I could find. Was checked by the Game Warden shortly after killing and he said the drought there has been tough on the goats. If you're wanting a fun hunt, do unit 10. If you're wanting a monster, look at another area.IMHO Cedar
Thanks cedar, you did great. I know it's been a wet fall this year out there so maybe next year will be better. Who was the warden?


Doug, Sorry I didn't respond sooner. Just got home from 1st season elk hunt. I don't remember his last name, but his first name was Terry I believe. Seemed like a nice guy to me. Cedar

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