Unicorn whitetail


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-09 AT 08:20PM (MST)[p]A whitetail with a single antler in the middle of his forhead was killed by my business partner's brother today. Freaky, but I guarantee you it is legit. let me see if I can upload some pictures:



venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Would have been cool to see what he would have turned into in a few years.

looks like somebody cut a slit on top of a does head and slid it in there. And whats up with the jaw?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-10 AT 08:26AM (MST)[p]>looks like somebody cut a slit
>on top of a does
>head and slid it in
>there. And whats up with
>the jaw?

here is another picture, and cutting the cheek is for "aging" them by looking at tooth wear. This BUCK was 3 1/2 years old. I thought HE would be younger.

This morning as I was posting this picture I got tickled as I visualized him making a "buck rub" tree. LOL.



venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
>I'm gonna have to call one
>great big BULL$HIT.

Tell you what Marcopoopoo. Bet you $10,000 it is a true story and these are real pictures. I will even fly you down here to verify. Bring your checkbook.

I have been around this place long enough for people to know I am a straight shooter. These are real photos of a real freaky deer.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
With time to reflect, I probably came on too strong in my last post. The wording of the last response just got me hot. I know as well as anyone that people can and do doctor animals and photos, so I don't expect everyone to take this at face value. And because it is so bizarre, I can see why there are doubters. But this is not a hoax. My business partner has possesion of the deer head.

I will post pictures of the caped skull when they get that done. We are both veterinarians, so he will try and see if an old skull injury was maybe the cause of this.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
txhunter, I also recanted my post. It was a really nasty comment about polo.

It seems that his posts are always negative which always bothered my on the internet. It is the safest place to be a obnoxious because nobody can do anything about it.

Sometimes it is best to just ignore people like that. BTW cool buck.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-05-10 AT 12:17PM (MST)[p]Nope, not mine to cape. They have it in cold storage for now. But the offer still stands. When do you want to come?

Also, FYI, I am done responding to you. You can certainly post but you won't get any more responses from me.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Thats a pretty cool looking deer! don't see that very often that's for sure.
Still waiting! I heard they had a bigfoot sighting the other day down there by ya'll? Any comments on that one?
I'm kinda thinkin that marco might just have a hankerin for a little crow....
"Yeah, I'll shoot him"
Marco's an idiot, just ignore him.Probably 12 ys. old with nothing better to do than try to get people riled up. I'm sure glad I'm not living his pathetic little life.

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