Unfair to Obama?

damn...kinda makes what we've seen posted in here seem tame!!lmao...

Exactly which chimp are you refering to? Sharpton? Burris? or the dead monkey in the cartoon? That ought to deserve at least one week in detention.

>Exactly which chimp are you refering
>to? Sharpton? Burris? or the
>dead monkey in the cartoon?
>That ought to deserve at
>least one week in detention.


Don't shoot the messenger.

Funny thing is BO didn't even write the first bill. So.. They must be comparing the chimp to Pelosi,Reid and the other Dems who wrote the bill.
I don't know why Sharpton should get butt hurt ......all it is saying is that a monkey wrote the bill.

Now, if Al sees some family resemblance there......I can't speak to that.
Unfair to Obama? He's the moron that signed the bill that all of his democrat followers approved ,yet not a single one of them dont know whats in the bill. They are all a bunch of monkeys.
Wonder how money Sharpton makes everytime he screams RACISM.....that guy is really getting old and tiring...
>I don't know why Sharpton should
>get butt hurt ......all it
>is saying is that a
>monkey wrote the bill.
> Now, if Al sees some
>family resemblance there......I can't speak
>to that.

You are absolutely right Nick and I couldn't agree more..

And there is some resemblance I suppose but I guess I can't say that here right???

Al seems so sensitive.
>Wonder how money Sharpton makes everytime
>he screams RACISM.....that guy is
>really getting old and tiring...

Osama hasn't even read the bill that Pelosi wrote. He's just letting all his Dem. pals run amok with taxpayer money.
I too, love that cartoon!!!!! I even thought of subscribing to the Washington Post after all the racists wanted to boycott the paper. Maybe I'll donate money, and Im broke.....

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