unexplainable things



Hey just a random question. How many people have had something happen to them hunting? Noises they couldnt explain strange things happening i have had a couple instances where i dunno what made the noise, and have never heard anything like it before or after. Starting to think i am going crazy especially if i was alone i would think so but i wasnt alone


has anyone seen my kittie
I had one of those unexplainable noises along with my dad and brother. Never heard anything like it...shook the whole forest. Was messing around on Art Bell's site one nite and clicked on a sound clip for Yeti Yells and there it was! A little freaky...still don't know what it was but I have my suspicions.


yeah my brother has looked into all the recordings and stuff from "bigfoots" and still nothing comes close. I was in combat and I have a 6th sense when something is watching me. I have felt this a couple of times. Talking the forest just goes quiet no birds no squirrels nothing. Not a whole lot freaks me out but this has we had an experience before i left for the marines in 1998 and this is maybe 10 miles from there but a mountain ridge over.


has anyone seen my kittie
A couple years ago while scouting on the Kaibab I thought I was about to be abducted by aliens.

It was a dark night very little moon light and I was sitting under some scrub viewing a water hole with an NVD. I was in a little bowl shaped area below the interior crest.

All the sudden a hint of light appeared over the crest followed shortly by a low rumble. I though..."This is strange".

The light became more intense and the noise escalated to a kind of a CRASH-BOOM-RATTLE.

Brighter and Brighter.

Louder and Louder.

It was getting closer.

The light became so bright the NVD washed out.

The noise so loud I couldn't hear the little school girl cries I was emitting.

Then, before I knew it, it was upon me, just over the crest of the bowl..."it" stopped moving.

The intense laser like light was extinguished with a hiss. The awful, heavy metal noise reduced to miscellaneous clangs and muffled bumps.

Then...I herd it...a loud CRASH, quickly followed by another...the ground before me began to vibrate.

I tried to crawl into my Danners but the horrifying sounds of dozens of slogging foot steps approaching kept me frozen in place like a victim of Pompeii.

The first hideous creature crested the bowl made a direct approach to my hide. Followed in line by a dozen more.

They must have infrared sensors I thought in a moment of lucidity, just before my bladder emptied.

Finally face to face. So close I could feel its breath on my cheek. I could smell the putrifying stench of its ruminant breath.

This was it. I was sure I was on the short list for an anal probe.
Then it spoke in its extraterrestial language that strangely enough I understood perfectly.

She said...MOOOO...
ha ha not quite the same thing...glad feleno isnt around to hear your probed story...i had a few of those too moos do the craziest things


has anyone seen my kittie
Well huntinfever?? You gonna leave us hanging?? Lets hear the story.
I've never heard anything out in the woods that I didn't have an answer for. You are always gonna hear things when its dark out in the woods that makes your mind think crazy things. But after you come to your senses, you can usually figure out what you heard. just my opinion.
I was riding my bike up a trail in the dark this year to go scouting. It was totally dark, so I was just cruising along under the light of the head lamp. I came over this rise to see these two reflecting little devil eyes down on the trail. I looked down on it to get my light on it and it was some sort of bird. It flew off, but as it did it didn't fly away from me like a normal bird. It almost hovered and fluttered around like a butterfly would, and it was facing my the whole time because it's devil eyes were still reflecting, but it was going a little further away and to the left. I have no idea what evil spirits possessed that little bird, but I wanted to exorcise it.

For the love of the game
LAST EDITED ON Sep-22-09 AT 04:24AM (MST)[p]Here is a little story for ya. First a little background. My pops isn't very religious. One year, back in the late 60's or early 70's, he was hunting on Elkhorn mtn, just north of Malad, Idaho, with a buddy. I don't know a lot of details because he would never talk about it(deceased now)with anybody. Apparently, a few years before this particular hunt, there was a plane crash on the mountain. He was supposed to meet his buddy in the crash vicinity at dusk and they would walk out together. I don't know how close he was to the crash site, but he saw and heard some things. At first he thought it was his buddy messing around but then his buddy walked up behind him and saw the same things. When they got back to our house, they were quite shaken. They called the neighbor and met him out back by the corrals and talked for a couple of hours. This neighbor was an old bishop and my Dad wanted him to bless him - remember, pops has never believed in stuff like that. His church is the woods. I begged and begged him to tell me but he wouldn't. He wouldn't go out the rest of the season. He later said he never told me because he didn't want to ruin hunting for me at such a young age. The only thing he said (much later)was that he learned that night, that deceased individuals have spirits and apparently, the spirits have the freedom or power to go places, linger, and/or do things.

I spoke with an old sheep herder while elk hunting in south west colorado. He shared our campfire for several nights and got to me quite friendly with us. He had ridden those mountains his whole life and had several stories to tell.

He told one story of a glowing globe that would fly up and down the canyon above the river. It would dart in different directions and fly around. I believe he believed what he was telling me.

Another unexplainable thing, of a different sort, happened this year while I was elk hunting. I was putting the sneak on a few elk in some thick timber and was calling a little bit. There were a few elk up higher that I couldnt see that I was trying to get to come down to me. One spike was standing pretty close, and if I moved he would have had me pegged.

While I stood there, a weasel was chirping at me and running up and down a log wondering what I was doing there. He kept running up to me and putting his front little paws on my boot. I kept kicking him off, as I was trying to sneak on these elk. The weasel was persistent and kept jumping up on my boot. I could have stomped the little fella but I gave him a pass. I told him to get out of there and I moved out of his territory. He was a brave little critter and so I left his turf.
I had an experience last year during the bowhunt...

I had just bought these new driving lamps and installed them on my car at camp. I was pretty stoked to say the least, but needed more level ground to get them aimed right.

I drove down to the flattest road around and jumped out to adjust the the beam, leaving the truck on. I would adjust them and then go turn them on to check their aim and then turn them off/on again as needed. About the 2nd time I did this and was going back to turn them off (after looking too directly into the beam), I heard a "crssh crssh crssh" sound coming toward me behind the truck in the gravel towards me. I didnt think anything of it so I went back to adjusting. The 3rd time I went back and as I reached through the window to turn on the lights, I heard the same "crssh crssh crssh" only it seemed to be getting closer. I looked back to see what I could see (figuring it was a deer or something innocent), but my eyes were still blinded and seeing halos from the driving lamps. I started to get a little "On Edge" because it now distinctly sounded like BIG foot steps approaching in the gravel with no camps/cars near wear I was. I hurried out and adjusted the other lamp. A little blinded from staring at the lamps again to make sure they were at correct angles, I went back to turn the lights off. Just as I reached through the window to turn them off, I heard those same "crssh crssh crssh." This time, I did not hesitate... I jumped into the truck to take off, knowing that there are mountain lions and bears in the area.

As I went to put the truck in drive, it died! I too was dying as i heard the "crssh crssh crssh" moving faster as I struggled to get the truck started. As i got it re-started, I slammed it into gear, but for some reason; it was boggin down - even with the pedal mashed!

With the truck now moving at a joggin pace, the sound got closer and louder, "crssh crssh crssh!" Finally! I got my frantic speed, but as i did; the sound was still on my tail and it too was matching my pace!!! I sped up that mountain, taking corners and hitting dips like I was in some Off-Road Mickey Thompson Challenge shaking and never looking back as the sound finally faded with my racing thoughts to freedom.

As I slid into camp with a big dust cloud and came to a sliding halt, I barely got the truck into park as I jumped out and ran into the trailor! As I exclaimed to my hunting partner (my dad) what had just happened, we took a protected look out the window for a bit before coming to the conclusion that it must have been a "Hungry" predator that saw me out alone in the dark for an easy meal...NOT WHAT I WANTED TO HEAR!!

After about an hour of calming myself down, I ran out to truck that was now a mile away from my scary scene. But then, just as I opened the back door and reached across the seat to get my hunting gear out, my heart blew out of it's chest as I heard the "crssh crssh crssh!" right behind me! I thought I was DEAD!!! But just as I was about to soil myself and my ears zeroed in on the direction of the sound as I stopped moving, frozen with fear; the sound stopped. I reached across the seat very slowly and with a purpose, but this time for my BIG knife knowing that I was not going down without a fight, but the sound persisted! Just then, as I i mentally went through all the catloged memories of my wife and family; I realized....the sound moved when I did! I shook the truck a little and again; I WAS RIGHT! As I flipped my body and arms around with my knife in hand ready for my epic battle to the death, my arm jammed into the water cooler on my seat causing me to drop my knife and the sound to become explosive!!

Half way through my ending prayer (The only time I have ever been religous), a confused "Light Bulb" went off in my head as I prepared for what could possibly be my final breath..."I just slammed my arm into my BIG Igloo water container on the seat!" After all day hunting and leaving it in the truck, it had half melted ice and it was shaking around and hitting the sides in the water as the truck moved!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! It all makes sense now!

Now, entirely embarassed of the fright I just let my dad see and the almost certain little girl scream he probably heard as I thought I prepared for my almost certain death, I went back inside the trailer a little more silent than before. My dad seeing my now ghostly red face asked what was up, but I kept silent. It took about an hour before I would speak again and when I relayed my findings to my dad, he just gave the biggest ear-to-ear SH!T, grin as he let out a HUGE bellowing laugh!!

This is probably what HAZMAT heard that night in the forest! LoL!!

What an idiot I am! Now, needless to say; I leave that BIG Igloo water jug back at camp and just fill up my water bladder and take a few extra "No Ice" water bottles with me for the road.

Thanks for reading!!

?-ERock-> ?
That is just pure comedy!!:)

I did spend a couple yrs living around the Navajos and heard plenty of stories, from reputable people, about "skin walkers". Enough so, that when we heard heavy footsteps on our double-wide in the middle of the night, I about messed myself. The Zuni had a similar one also.

The other night on the Coast to Coast with George Noory, some nut called in, think he said he was from the Santa Rosa area, talked about some AZ strip hunt he went on. Anyhow, he said he had the distinct feeling something was watching him while he field dressed this buck and had no idea what was going on until he had the film developed some 3 weeks later. Poor guy sounded rattled about the whole ordeal. Wonder if it is anyone we know. :) Already ran this one through snopes....it is the real deal here. :)


Not unexplainable, but a scare the heck out of ya, until you recognize the sound or what made it. I posted this on an earlier topic, but I was sitting in front of a juniper tree in pre-dawn darkness, overlooking a draw and hoping that daylight would reveal some elk. I never even heard the bull come less than ten feet from me until he bellowed his call for cows. It was a heckuva fright for a few seconds there, but in retrospect, a pretty cool thing to happen!
A few years ago my buddy and I were in the mountains hunting yotes and drank a lot of rum at the campfire. We were sleeping in the trailer and woke up to a swooshing noise and an aircraft was hovering right over us with no lights. It was a Blackhawk and the boys in training made a silent approach and must have picked us up with infrared. Scared the crap out of us thinking it was an alien abduction. Slept on my back with an apple in my mouth the rest of the night fearing an anal probe.
>The other night on the Coast
>to Coast with George Noory,
>some nut called in, think
>he said he was from
>the Santa Rosa area, talked
>about some AZ strip hunt
>he went on. Anyhow,
>he said he had the
>distinct feeling something was watching
>him while he field dressed
>this buck and had no
>idea what was going on
>until he had the film
>developed some 3 weeks later.
>Poor guy sounded rattled about
>the whole ordeal. Wonder
>if it is anyone we
>know. :) Already
>ran this one through snopes....it
>is the real deal here.
> :)


Wow that sure is a great looking buck 45!
The experience he is referring to (huntnfever) is similiar to Hazmat's something yells/screams and parts of it have human sounding quality and and shut's up everything from lowing cattle to birds ect.. and it carries for miles. And it occurs whenever we are in paticular canyon stretch, with exception of another time in a couple of canyon's to the east. I don't know what it is but isn't cat, bear, wolf or the normal calls that you would associate with them. Paticular patch of timber can be covered in one glassing session. Very open for most part Have found scat piles in there similiar to grizzly in size, if it is a squawsnatch, feleno we are giving it your ip address, just for funs... I am sure it is cross with you for posting pics on internet. But it just makes ya scratch your head.
I was out muzzle loader deer hunting. I started out pretty early before light and began to hike out a ridge line to get a better view. It was starting to get light enough to see around a bit, but not light enough to shoot or really see into the shadows. I started to hear a breathing sound behind and to the left of me. It would come and go. I thought for sure I had a mountain lion or bear following me. I would stop and look around and had my MZ ready for action. The sound would stop so I would continue down the ridge, the whole time my attention wasn't on what was in front of me it was on what might be behind me. Over and over it kept happening. I was really getting worked up. I was absolutely positive now that it was a mountain lion keeping it's distance just far enough back and waiting for the right opportunity. Finally I just sat down at a high point and decided I was going to wait this cat out and when it gave up it's location try to scare it off best I could. There was silence for a moment, then the noise was behind me again. Holy crap, this thing is stealth (except for it's breathing). Well, while sitting there every time I moved the breathing was behind me somehow. Finally I pulled my backpack off and opened it up for what just may be my last drink of water only to hear the noise coming from inside my backpack. It was my Garmin rhino and the two way radio was occasionally giving some feedback. Boy did I feel stupid, but it was nice to relax and actually do some hunting.
A very loooong time ago, me and a friend were camped out on the Trinity River. I can't remember if we were hunting or fishing, that's how long ago it was. Laying in our sleeping bags on a sand bar under the stars. I noticed one star that was moving slowly. I pointed it out to my buddy, and he spotted it. It would zig zag back and forth. Then stop for about a minute or so. Then continue on in a zig zag pattern. Then it would stop again. Then it backed up! Stop. Go forward. Then back up again. We had no explination for it but finally we decided we were probably going to die and drifted off to sleep. We didn't die, but I'll never forget it.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
These are some pretty cool stories, and some of have raised the hair on the back of my neck.

I was hiking through some NM mountains last year at about 11:00 at night at around 8000' feet elevation. I had been hiking for several hours and was back to within a quarter mile of my truck. I was passing through an isolated patch of tall ponderosa pines, when directly above me a teradactyl perched on top of one of them let out an ear-piercing screech. I couldn't see it, but I'm sure it was a teradactyl, because I've watched dinosaur movies and heard what the teradactyls in those sound like. If I hadn't already been on the verge of dehydration, all fluids would have been flushed from body at that moment. I ducked my head as low as I could make it and still run. The teradactyl screeched at me two more times, but it never did swoop down and carry me off to its baby teradactyls nesting somewhere on top of the mountain. My only explanation is that it must have been feeding on an elk or something that it swooped down and grabbed with its talons and carried up to the top of that tree. Must have swallowed it whole, too, because I've been back to that patch of ponderosas several times in the daylight, and I can't find any blood or anything on the ground around those trees. Anyway, I managed to make it back to my truck without further incident, and other than dinosaur movies, that's the only time I've ever heard a teradactyl screech. But once was enough.
>we live close to roswell nm....stinky
>has stories

Does stinky get splitting headaches when the song Indian Love Call by Slim Whitman comes on ?

I thought you two looked familiar:


nice dog...
>A very loooong time ago, me
>and a friend were camped
>out on the Trinity River.
>I can't remember if we
>were hunting or fishing, that's
>how long ago it was.
>Laying in our sleeping bags
>on a sand bar under
>the stars. I noticed one
>star that was moving slowly.
>I pointed it out to
>my buddy, and he spotted
>it. It would zig zag
>back and forth. Then stop
>for about a minute or
>so. Then continue on in
>a zig zag pattern. Then
>it would stop again. Then
>it backed up! Stop. Go
>forward. Then back up again.
>We had no explination for
>it but finally we decided
>we were probably going to
>die and drifted off to
>sleep. We didn't die, but
>I'll never forget it.
>Know guns, know peace, know safety.
>No guns, no peace, no


Maybe you were seeing the pulsar known as the Zig Zag Pulsar. It burned out about 1889 so that's prolly what you saw if you haven't seen it since.

Alright what the hell. Since this is the internet, the worst that could happen is that you all will call me a loon, but here is my story...When I was a teenager I was camping in the hills with some friends and we were really not very far from civilization. It was dark and we had just gotten into our sleeping bags when big rocks started hitting the ground around us. It went on for a minute, or two, and then stopped. A few minutes later, it happened again. We thought that it was just some buddies messing with us because we were so close to town. I was more pissed at the time then anything else because I thought it was a dangerous and stupid thing to do. We yelled and fired a few shots in the air with a pistol and that was it for the night. The next morning, we got up and saw how big the rocks actually were and realized how far from the trees we actually were. It didn't make any sense and we uneasily laughed it off. It is funny how we all found excuses to leave for home right after breakfast...
I was camped at the edge of a burn on an Elk hunt several years ago and had listened to Bulls bugling all night long. An hour or so before daylight I started making my way slowly into the burn moving in to the sound of clashing antlers and focused on not tripping up any Elk from the shadows. All of a sudden out of the corner of my left eye I spotted two large glowing eyes directly above me. I jumped 3 feet and ducked down to avoid being swept away by the creature behind those glowing eyes. Well when the dust, and my heart rate, settled down I got things sorted out realized what I was seeing was the crescent moon with it's points facing up disected by the trunk of a burned out pine giving the illusion of two large glowing eyes in the night sky. I got back to the hunt laughing at myself and feeling a bit sheepish about being so spooked...... Terry
One time I was walking around north of a lake in Modoc county during Lassen antelope season and wandered on a warm spring with 2 naked hunters in it. They didn't know I was there. Then I heard one say " Do you think I'm handsome Steve? The other said "Yes Jeff."
well any seasoned antelope hunter knows they are curious...so the nakedness was to get the antelope to come looking for the "worm" how long did you stick around "glassing" ha ha


has anyone seen my kittie
Jingow, STOP IT!!!enough said. LOL!

I've told this before here but I think it's worth repeating. My friends Bob Steeves and his brother Elmer went trout fishing on the opener one year. We drove to the end of an old logging road above Clear Creek, in the Klamath NF. We got there about dark on a Friday evening. Bobs uncle had a pack of bear dogs and we took one with us. An older, very experienced bear dog. We were sitting around the fire and the dog started growling and barking while looking up the mountain. We were sure that a bear was nearby, so Bob tied the dog up to prevent him from chasing it.

The dog kept getting more and more aggitated, barking and tugging on the rope. Finally we could smell the bear, it was that close. The dog was going nuts! Just outside the firelight was a bunch of young alder trees. When we could see the alder limbs shaking, we knew the bear was too darn close! We all yelled along with the dog barking, but it seemed to piss off the bear. We could hear brush breaking, but never could see the bear. This went on for about an hour.

Finally Bob said heck with it and turned the dog loose. The dog disappeared into the dark with murder on his mind. About a minute later the dog went silent and shortly came crawling back to us with his tail tucked under him. He was shaking from fear, and whatever was out ther, that dog wanted nothing to do with it. We threw more wood on the fire. The bear, or whatever it was, kept circling around our camp just out of sight to almost daybreak, and then left, much to our relief! We were loaded up and out of there without wetting a line.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
OK. the hellicopter/apple was too funny. and the hot springs must have been up on broke back mountain. lol.
False alarm, we found out it was the money we could be saving with Geico that was making all the noise! Glad it could be "explained" :) Now to shoot those big bucks we seen!
Here is my story. About 10 years ago, my bro-in-law and I were sitting around the camp fire the night before the deer opener in souther Utah. We were listening to the coyotes off in the distance and just chit chatting away. All of a sudden, it went quiet and then we heard it. We heard a deafening sound of the most evil sounding scream/yell/growl. (That is as close as I can describe it) There is no way to describe the sound. Human lungs could never come close. It was ear piercing and spooked the hell right out of us. I can honestly say we were both completely freaked out to the point we grabbed our guns and prepared for what ever made that noise to attack. The noise sounded like the devil himself. (assuming devils make nasty noises of course) To this day, we both have never heard anything even remotely close to that noise and we both remember it as if it were yesterday. It still spooks me when we talk about it so we dont much, especially out in the woods. Sure would like to know what manner of beast made that noise but I doubt I ever will. (And no we were not drinking!)
i feel a big foot sighting story coming on . . .

[a href="http://www.mybinocularharness.com/"]binocular harness system[/a]
Have you heard a guy with his balls in Vise, that could be the sound you heard. J/K

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Gator, no way that is a different sound entirely! When I was in middle school I teased a girl..a little too much as it turned out so I have first hand knowledge of what that sounds like and it isn't even close. ;)
Some 25 ago, or so, Ray Barker, Stephen Cowley and I were hunting elk south west of Dutch John, in and area that had burned a few years prior where in two or three firefighters had lost there lives when the over ran there fire-line.

We were back in 5 or 6 miles from the Flaming Gorge dam as I recall.

One evening, just as the sun was going down we heard the most unusual sound I've ever heard in the forest, before or since. I won't even begin to attempt to describe it. It was loud, persistent and went on until late into evening. After discussing it we concluded it had to be a young bull elk trying to learn to bugle. If it was a bull it was a total failure but he kept at it for hours and every attempt was a different sound from the previous attempt. He never did get it right, that is he never got a recognizable bugle out in-spite his many tries. I've heard cow elk bark, squeal, chirp, bull elk scream, bugle, grunt, chuckle, etc. etc. I've heard cougar and coyotes make a dozen different sounds, never have I heard anything like this sound. Have never heard a bear but I can't say this sounded anything like what I would assume a bear might sound like.

I wouldn't say it was frightening it was just weird, like: "what the ---- is that", and we had plenty of time to try to figure it out.

Always wondered if anyone else had a similar experience but when you can't even describe the sound I just get blank looks from the folks. Course, I'm used to blank looks so what's new with that?


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