undeniable evidence


Very Active Member
i got this uncle who firmly belives that antelope do not shed. aneone have any solid proof, he says a pic of a shed is not proff, (although id like to see some) does anone have a picture of a buck with shed horns or summat like that?

Later Yall!!!!
Go grab your cammera or better yet grab your uncle and go look for some lope bucks right now... They should be starting to shed the sheaths and will do so for about the next month or so. I killed a buck a couple weeks ago and I noticed that one in the heard had already lost his horn.

Take him out and show him, no better way to prove it!
Go show him some bucks right now, I was just out this weekend and saw lots of bucks w/o any horns. Buck antelope have a black patch on their throat latch. Or tell him to read a book on antelope, it is a well known fact.

If he can read then have him read off your computer. Go to any scientific website and pull up info. Pretty simple to end the discussion.... Allen Taylor......
Work with a guy who just last night said his dog pointed an antelope shed last weekend. There ya go undisputable proof!
From what I understood is that they shed the outer sheath (black part) and the little horn, or bone, on top of the head stays intact to grow a new sheath.
I killed one in Nevada with my bow and left his head in the back of the truck for a couple days longer than I should have. I went to show it to a buddy and pulled the outer sheath right off, along with a good pile of maggots...LOL
I believe there is an Eastman's Outdoor World video that I saw some years back that has footage of a buck shedding both horns. The footage was filmed right next to the truck they were in and was rather strange to see. The buck was really thrashing around twisting it's head and got both horns off at the same time.
You could probably e-mail Eastman's and find out which video it was on.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-13-03 AT 07:40PM (MST)[p]
So here is the other side if they do not shed, which they do!, and you beleive that they stay no the lope and grow every year, then they should have annuli. Or did they only live till one, or do they grow all their horn in the fist year?

Why don't you show us undeniable evidence of annuli?

Cheers, Ramchaser
Marty Stouffer has an episode of Wild America on pronghorns and it shows them cornhole deep to a giraffe in snow and one of the bucks shakes his head around violently and the sheaths fly off. That's enough proof for me.

Bret M.
A friend of mine likes to say..."no sense in being stupid, if you don't show it."

They shed. I would ask your uncle to prove they don't. Guys like that have a hard time with truth and science.


"When there's lead in the air, there's hope."
hed just tell me hes been hunting antelop[e for 25 years, and seen hundred in the winter, and he never saw a one with no horns.

Later Yall!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-03 AT 08:18PM (MST)[p]O-O,

Your Uncle is an idiot! And probabally believes the earth is flat.

If your Uncle says a shed horn isn't proof, what can you do? Why should anybody waste their time trying to convince him? Who cares what he thinks? Excuse me, I'm now going to try to teach a pig to sign. I think it'll be easier than trying to convince your Uncle.

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