Uncle Ted


Long Time Member
Went up to Detroit for some hunting and concert with Uncle Ted. I took a nice boar on his ranch in Jackson. Sorry no pics of the boar. To big a hurry, had to catch a plane. Here are some pics from the concert.
Me, Ted and buddy of mine.

Nuge and Derek St. James





Uncle Ted with a special message for Hillary and Obama

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Looks like you guys had a large time. Got a stupid question as a newby to this forum lingo, but what does LOL stand for?
OMG...you didn't drink the kool-aid did you, 202? ;-) lol

And TK- a crash course in cyberspeak

LOL= laughing out loud
ROTFL= rolling on the floor laughing
DH= dear husband
DW= dear wife
DD= daughter
DS= son
BRB= be right back
BBL= be back later
TTYL= talk to you later
BTW= by the way
B.S.= what 202 is full of ;-)
Looks like a couple days of "high energy" 202! Must have been a blast!

TK, one more:

WTF= Western Turtle Foundation (I think)

202,I think that it is Derek St.Holmes not James!I would love to go on a hunt with the Motor City Madman,wish I was there!
Thanks for the education guys and Gal. WTF - I knew that was the Turtle Foundation.
elkaholic123 you are right my bad........where in the H did that James come from. Anyway I stand corrected

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Glad to see I'm not the only Ted Nugent fan. The guy is awesome!

A couple weeks back some people on this website said Nugent was a embarrassment to fellow hunters. That he shouldn't be talking about Hillary Clinton that way.

I think it's funny when he rants and raves on stage. I think his TV show is a little korny, but all in all he is great for America and hunters worldwide. Not to mention a incredible guitar player.

"@#$% Hillary!!!!!!!!!

What is up with the soft peach colored bowling shirts? Damn those are gay!;-)

I also like Ted, and his gorgeous, knock-out blonde wife, but did he sing anything besides Cat Scratch Fever and Wang Dang Sweet Poontang?;-)

Maybe SFW could bring Ted to the expo one year?
Also a fan of TED ... favorite song "Strangle Hold" hopefully smart enough to understand this guy is in show biz and not to be taken too seriously ... kind a like Uncle Fred ... OOPS!


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