Unbelievably Ignorant Dog Killing


Long Time Member
Recently in the area of Montana where I live, a mountain lion has caused himself some trouble in a rural neighborhood by killing pets and livestock. A local lion hunter secured permission from Montana FWP and surrounding landowners to hunt down and kill the lion with a licensed tagholder. The dogs were on the scent and strayed upon private property where permission was not granted. The landowner shot both dogs, clearly collared and actively following scent, killing one and wounding the other. Although the hunter did not have permission to "hunt" the property, it is illegal to kill dogs that are NOT harrassing hoofed livestock in the state of Montana. The dogs were merely tresspassing. This is causing quite a stir in our little community, raising questions about everything from property rights to gun rights. This may be a biased crowd here, but what do you guys think of the landowner shooting the hounds? mtmuley
If he broke the law then he should be properly punished.

My first inclination, where the law is concerned, is that private property rights need to take precedence. If he broke the law then he should be cited accordingly and probably pay restitution for the lost dogs. I'm not lacking feeling for the dogs, the dogs' owner, or the land owner, but where the law is concerned we need to try to keep emotion out of the equation as much as possible. I'd have concerns about laws that allow dogs to range my property at will--regardless if they are doing damage or not.

Dogs on my property are usually chased or warned off. If they are persistant then I will try a nonlethal, persuader such as a dove load in a 20 gauge. If they are too stupid to learn from that they will be killed. If they are on the property doing damage, regardless of wether I've seen them before, they will be killed.
Sorry to hear that Muley. couple things come to mind;

1) Most fun and excitement i ever had hunting was chasing the hounds for wild pigs.

2) hounds don't know private from public, they know scent!

3) Real tuff to shoot the dogs when they're just doing what they're supposed to do.

4) as a kid on our ranch in Kali, we shot almost all strange dogs on sight. This was a direct order from Grandpa!

5) you would think that rancher could have known that they were working hounds. Hounds themselves can be very valuable property. Can you shoot a unknowing kid that goes on your land? Why shoot the unknowing hound?

6) sounds like a wrong was done by the rancher. He must be a bitter, mean SOB, but sad as it is, i'd wager that he goes unpunished.

I see both sides. I love my dogs and every once in awhile when were pheasant hunting I'll lose sight of them in heavy cover and they will stray onto private land I dont have permission to be on.
The other side is that my family owns a large piece of land along a river where guys try to trespass and run there coon hounds at night. These sobs knowingly let there dogs stray on our land and plenty of times have treed within a 100yds of my house. Other times the dogs have lost scent and ended up in our yard at all hours of the night.....Nothing like having the dogs go crazy...go outside and find a guy with a flashlight wondering around looking for his dogs. This is something that has happened at least 30 times over the last 5 years, the last time I caught 2 dogs in my yard at 2am......I put leashes on em and hualed them to the pound. I dont have the heart to shoot em but I can and will hual em in.
With all that being said if it was an isolated incodent I can see letting it pass.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
wt heck if a dog comes on my yard and I shoot and kill it I go to prison. I dont own a dog and dont want to see one in my yard either.

this property owner should have to pay for the dogs as well as recieve punitive damages.


Archery is a year round commitment!!
I've seen/been involved with running hounds near town/private property many times & something always happens,usually nothing good.
As for the JACKASS that shoots collared hounds,he ought to have his ass kicked!
Shootin dogs just to shoot dogs is BS!
Hang him high!
I'm pretty sure he'll have to pay alot for the dogs. To bad cause the hounds were doing what they were bred for.
I'm not positive but I believe that the hounds have the "right of pursuit" when pursuing something. which would make it Illegal to kill the hounds. throw the book at the jerk!

"Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid."
- John Wayne
>My first inclination, where the law
>is concerned, is that private
>property rights need to take
>precedence. If he broke
>the law then he should
>be cited accordingly and probably
>pay restitution for the lost
>dogs. I'm not lacking
>feeling for the dogs, the
>dogs' owner, or the land
>owner, but where the law
>is concerned we need to
>try to keep emotion out
>of the equation as much
>as possible. I'd have
>concerns about laws that allow
>dogs to range my property
>at will--regardless if they are
>doing damage or not.

I agree completely with this....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

So mmwb?
You see a couple of hounds trailing through your property collared & tracking gear attatched & you think it's your god given right to shoot them just because its your property?
Ya,if you wanted to be a real PRICK I guess you could,but there comes a time we need to use the round things atop our heads & think before we are quick on the trigger,I've heard every excuse in the book,but I've never heard of hound dogs doing much damage to somebodies personal property but I guess anythings possible.

Just so you know,the hound dogger usually ain't to far behind the dogs,and don't tell me you didn't know what a collared hound looks like.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-09 AT 07:58PM (MST)[p]>You see a couple of hounds
>trailing through your property collared
>& tracking gear attatched &
>you think it's your god
>given right to shoot them
>just because its your property?

So property rights dont mean anything? If I OWN the land....I make the rules and I'll be damned if somebody thinks they have any right to let there dogs run around on it. If its a one time deal, like it sounds to be in this instance....fair enough. I dont have the heart to shoot a hunting dog.....it aint there fualt, but the houndsman probably could have done things differently before turnin out with private land close by. Sounds like he did'nt notify ALL landowners about what was being planned.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
The dog owner should be charged with trespassing and the land owner should have to pay for the dogs.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Yes property rights do mean something & most hounders respect private property owners.

"I'll be damned if somebody thinks they have any right to let there dogs run around on it"

Lol,ya like the hounder has total control after they dump the dogs.

"Sounds like he did'nt notify ALL landowners about what was being planned."

You're probably right,if he'd of notified every paranoid land owner in the valley he'd still be trying to get all paper work filled out,in the meantime your pet pusssy might of been scooped up off the front porch by the big bad cougar.

You do show some common sense by saying:"If its a one time deal, like it sounds to be in this instance....fair enough."

Some of you guys crack me up,like the hound dogger can tell his dogs where they can & can't go,wafj!
It never ceases to be surprise me with some of the trigger happy guys on here that think they can shoot people or privately owned animals for trespassing. You can't legally shoot a trespassing dog in any state that I have ever lived.

If the neighbors' cow or horse was trespassing, could the rancher shoot it? Heck no. He would be locked up in the county jail for such an action. A dog is no different.
>Lol,ya like the hounder has total
>control after they dump the

>Some of you guys crack me
>up,like the hound dogger can
>tell his dogs where they
>can & can't go,wafj!

Exactly, wrong tool for the job. Houndsmen dont have CONTROL of there dogs once they strike and turn out, thats why they dont belong anywhere close to someone elses property. Its called being responsable. If somebody would have just shot the damn cat on site...SSS....problem solved. Like I'm gonna wait for the f'in government to handle it.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
It's true.....we must follow the law. That doesn't make it right. The guy who shot the dogs is a jerk and will (this life or the next) have to account.

I grew up in the country and had a dog-killing neighbor. He couldn't find ANYONE who talk to him. I assume that will hold true in Montana.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I'm not mad at you Hardway,just trying to get people to look at all angles of the situation.
I've seen these things happen and most hounders (after learning the hard way)will opt away from places that are chopped up with 100 different landowners or where there are alot of roads,I've seen many of huntin dogs get run over on roadways and most experienced doggers will shy away from places like that.
I guess that means that if my two year old son got away from me and ran on to your place you'd feel good about shooting him too? I hope they throw the book at him!!!!!!

respect my authorita
Adamosa, I just re read this thread and I dont recall seing one post where anyone said shooting a dog was ok. What does piss me off though is the fact that some think they have some inalienable right to let there dogs run wild ...all in the name of hunting. Property rights should be respected at all costs but most like me understand that accidents happen.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Hound Doggers don't let there mutts run wild.
If they don't know exactly where they're at you can damn well bet they are looking for them and trying to catch up with them & usually watching them close with their tracking gear.

Now if you got wild mutts herrassing your livestock go ahead & shoot em,but to shoot a dog just to watch it fall is BS!

These hounders have 1000.00's invested in their dogs,they ain't intentionally breakin laws or takin chances on getting them shot!
All right Robert....re read my post above. Once a dog is on track its the same as running wild to me. Those dogs dont have any care other than following that scent. I concede there are good and bad houndsmen just like anyone else. Around these parts there is so much private land most houndsmen are willing to try anything to run there dogs which includes trying to run dogs on small pieces of land where they damn well know the dogs will stray onto others property. They then think they have some kind of "RIGHT" to go on someone elses land to retrieve there dogs....and thats bullchit. If the property aint big enough, go somewhere else.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Alright Hardway,
You know I like the hell out of you,yes I do have several friends in KALI!

If Houndsmen are acting like that (hunting private without permission) I can see why you're a little stirred.
You can't control where a lion persue is gonna end up/go & I'd opt out of taking chances on getting the Mutts shot,I also understand there are a lot of KALI folk that will shoot dogs just to shoot dogs,I don't see a call for it,especially Professional hunting dogs collared & packing tracking gear,they use similar dogs (blood hounds) when tracking/persuing humans/fugitives,should them dogs be shot when crossing private property too?I don't think so.

Sorry,there are times dogs should be shot,but if this hounder had no intention of breaking laws with his mutts,the land owner had no reason to shoot them just because he thinks it's his god given right,I'll put money on it the situation coulda/shoulda been handled in proffessional like manner if the land owner just woulda thought it out a bit before he made stupid/quick decisions.

Again,I'm not harping on you Hardway,I know the Kali life works on a guy,lol!
>Alright Hardway,
>You know I like the hell
>out of you,yes I do
>have several friends in KALI!
>If Houndsmen are acting like that
>(hunting private without permission) I
>can see why you're a
>little stirred.

This is my point...it seems to me that where there are larger tracts of land weather private or public there are less problems and thats a good thing. I would think a good houndsmen would'nt waste his time on a piece of land where his hounds cant do what there supposed to.

>Again,I'm not harping on you Hardway,I
>know the Kali life works
>on a guy,lol!

LOL....Merry Christmas Buddy......Hope you have a good one :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
In this case (notice I said THIS case) I think the landowner was barking up the wrong tree. This is a problem cat that needed taking out and the guy should have welcomed the opportunity. Maybe if someone explained it to him before hand this wouldn't have happened?

In general though, a houndsman should have permission from all landowners in his area before turning the dogs out. Repeated violations should be handled by the proper authorities.

I would never shoot a houndsmans dog. That's a good way to get shot yourself. Some of these guys love their dogs more than their wife.

If I had property I would welcome hounds to hunt cats, coons or bears, especially if he would invite me in on the fun. Make a deal good for both of us.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
As a Private Property Owner here in Wyoming I have the right to protect LIFE AND PROPERTY AS I SEE FIT AND IT WILL STAND UP IN STATE COURT OF LAW. So I think that pretty well sums up a lot of personal socialist ideas I've read on this post.
My own personal experiences-If I know the owner I warn them that their dogs are running loose on my place....second time they are trespassing they get burned REAL GOOD with a low base 12 guage...Third time they are tipped over...With horses and lots of deer wintering on our place a lot of dog harassment has happened around here in the past..I've even killed one of my own dogs for animal harassement.
I can't believe some of the people on here think a dog has preference over Human life..If people can't buck up and take personal responsibility of their dogs running loose on my place..I will.
"As a Private Property Owner here in Wyoming I have the right to protect LIFE AND PROPERTY AS I SEE FIT AND IT WILL STAND UP IN STATE COURT OF LAW."

That's Scary!! Not because of you personally Longun but if what you are saying above is true, every half nuts guy in Wyoming who owns a lick of property can make his own rules as "he sees fit"

I think there's way too many laws already. I'm into common sense and doing the right thing. That landowner certainly had the right to not want hounds on his property but that don't mean he should shoot every one on sight. Like i said above, that guy must be a bitter, mean ol SOB!

+1 Joey I like the common sense part. I don't think many of us here are socialist. Hopefully good neighbors.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
I dont give a damn what the law is and who broke it...If you shoot someones dog for no other reason than to just watch it fall then your a cold hearted assshole and need the crap kicked out of you...

If it was harassing you or your kids or animals then thats different.


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
>I dont give a damn what
>the law is and who
>broke it...If you shoot someones
>dog for no other reason
>than to just watch it
>fall then your a cold
>hearted assshole and need the
>crap kicked out of you...
>If it was harassing you or
>your kids or animals then
>thats different.

>The poster does not take any
>responsibility for any hurt or
>bad feelings. Reading threads poses
>inherent risks. The poster would
>like to remind readers to
>make sure they have a
>functional sense of humor before
>they visit any discussion board.

I think that makes more sense to me than anything else previously posted here sadly. Not shocking though, I've seen posts here in the past where people have asserted the use of deadly force on human trespassers.

Common Sense. That just about says it all. The landowner in question has no livestock, and did not have a pet or family member threatened, nor was he threatened himself. It was not his RIGHT to kill these animals, on his property or not. Idiots like this guy have no right owning a weapon if he is going to use it to "solve" a situation as minor as this. I'm betting he learns his lesson.... sometime, somewhere. mtmuley
Back home any farm dog found more then a 1/2 mile from his home seen running deer,cows,sheep,anything without a person with them was shot on sight.
Now I don't know if these dogs was on the trail of lion,maybe they had just run a deer by the owner of the land or maybe the dogs barking started his cows running in the pasture and he looked out and seen 2 dogs behind the cows still following the scent trail, I can tell ya what happen next BOOM BOOM

Without knowing the other side, you can say he should be things he not. IMO
Now if he's a d!ck and is proven to be a dang dog killer lets hang him out to dry, But I bet he wouldn't care.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-09 AT 11:33PM (MST)[p]"So mmwb?
You see a couple of hounds trailing through your property collared & tracking gear attatched & you think it's your god given right to shoot them just because its your property?
Ya,if you wanted to be a real PRICK I guess you could,but there comes a time we need to use the round things atop our heads & think before we are quick on the trigger,I've heard every excuse in the book,but I've never heard of hound dogs doing much damage to somebodies personal property but I guess anythings possible.

Just so you know,the hound dogger usually ain't to far behind the dogs,and don't tell me you didn't know what a collared hound looks like. "

It would be my legal right to kill the dog for no other reason than its on my property. Reread my post. I've only ever killed one dog on my property on a first offense. It was in the chicken yard with a bird in its mouth at the time. The emotional responses on this thread make for good points as to why we need to deal with such things based on the law. If the laws are inadequate, get them changed. Whether a guy is a prick or not, I will still promote personal liberty and property rights over the rights of a few to let their dogs wander. Hunting is a privilege. We are expected to respect property boundaries ourselves. We are responsible for our animals. Tracking, the dogs are simply doing what they do best. Dog owners need to use good judgment in where we hunt with them.
>Common Sense. That just about says
>it all. The landowner in
>question has no livestock, and
>did not have a pet
>or family member threatened, nor
>was he threatened himself. It
>was not his RIGHT to
>kill these animals, on his
>property or not. Idiots like
>this guy have no right
>owning a weapon if he
>is going to use it
>to "solve" a situation as
>minor as this. I'm betting
>he learns his lesson....
>sometime, somewhere. mtmuley
I hope he learns his lesson and learns it well...he was dead wrong....That being said he has every right to own a gun in this country. Killing dogs, right or wrong, has nothing to do with that particular god given right.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Several years back we had a local that would shoot dogs "just to shoot dogs"
Didn't take long before everybody knew what was going on,he'd shoot them not just on his property,but anywhere he thought he could get away with it.

Then he started getting the 'sometime,somewhere' treatment.
I shoot every dog that comes on my property uninvited. If you can't keep your critters under your control then be ready to pay the consequences. I have had too many livestock harassed and killed by wild and domestic dogs. With all that said, I would never shoot a radio collared tracking dog unless it was chasing my livestock, deer or elk. It is illegal to use dogs to track game in this state.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

JB, I'm not disputing the right to own a weapon in this country. I guess I should have said he had no REASON to use one to solve the dog problem. polarbear, it is illegal for a landowner to kill dogs chasing big game, in this state. These hounds were not. mtmuley
I bet the shooter wishes he would never have grabbed that rifle about right now..

Just like the posts on here it's about the emotions and just spouting off..

Probably if we all had to wait a day to post a response to a topic the board would be a lot more civilized (and a lot less fun :))

Trespassing, stealing property while all are illegal none are worth killing a dog or a person over.. We can buy more stuff and footprints wear off pretty quickly.

Only when life and limb are threatened is the time to consider such drastic action in my humble opinion..

None of us wants to have to go to bed and wake up day after day with those actions on our hands.

Trust me on this one fellas.. It just aint worth it unless there is no other alternative.

have a great Christmas
I see a lot of you dont have livestock or know the laws regarding protection of livestock. Ranchers get sick of losing $1000's each year to wild dogs and city folk that move to the country and let thier dogs run wild. Cattle, sheep, and horses, are not in the same class as a dog as far as the law is concerned. I know this for a fact, because I have seen my dad shoot dozens of dogs (and this is in California) on his ranch. Here is an example- dog shows up on property and runs cattle through fence, dad calls dog owner and tells them he will shoot it next time its on the property. Dad shoots dog or dogs next time they come back (usually within a week). Hippie calls sherriff. Sheriff shows up and does not issue citation because you have the right to protect your livestock. Hippie that moved from Bay Area thinks he will sue my father for shooting his dogs. Case gets dropped in court. Repeat.

I dont know if these dogs were chasing the homeowners cattle or horses, but I have seen dogs chase elk and cows plenty of times. Just because you call it a cat dog or a bear dog, doesnt mean it will only chase that animal. Anytime you let dogs run wild through the country, shi* can happen. I am curious to see what happens to the landowner.
Amen bbgellerman!
We had some city folks move in on the bordering property who thought that because they were now in the country they could let their pets roam free wherever and whenever they wanted. I gave them a warning when I caught their dogs messing with my cows. 2 days later I sent both dogs back over their fence missing a large chunk of their skulls. They had cornered one of my calves. They call the Sheriff, and he basically laughed at them. They then called me up to move my cows out of the pasture by their house. My bull had done his job and was bellowing at the cows next door, all night long. They informed me that "they did not move out to the country to hear all that noise". I left the bull in their alone for over a month just for them. They called the Sheriff once again and he laughed at them, once again. I hate folks who move out to the sticks and try and tell us how to live!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!


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