Ump ejects crowd!


I swear this should have happened a couple of times at some of my little leage games when I was a kid, especially when my family was the majority of the crowd! So - did the ump overreact?

Umpire ejects entire crowd during baseball game

Associated Press

Updated: June 13, 2009, 6:25 PM EDT 90 comments

WEST BURLINGTON, Iowa (AP) - An umpire has emptied the stands at a high school baseball game, ejecting the entire crowd of more than 100 fans for being unruly.

Umpire Don Briggs said he had no problem with any of the student athletes during Thursday's game between Winfield-Mount Union and West Burlington.

He said he had to take action because fans were being unruly, yelling and arguing, and called police as a precaution.

However, West Burlington superintendent James Sleister said he didn't see any unusual behavior and said he thought the umpire overreacted.

The game resumed after a 40-minute delay. West Burlington won 12-11.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Ive been an ump in slow pitch softball and Ive played high school baseball and alot of softball, so Ive been on both sides of the issue and I will say some umps have thin skin. I have a friend who has been tossed for questioning an umpires height. (Okay he called him Napolean) Same friend tossed for yelling Mickey Mouse while an umpire was trying to impose a silence rule on all of us. Yes umps get alot of flack but that goes with the territory, if they dont like it they shouldnt umpire, or they should just get the calls right. Freakin Umps.
If the ump has authority over the crowd, then that's his call. I guess the league can review his decision and take appropriate action if they feel it's necessary.

One of the very few pro baseball games I've attended (SF Giants vs. LA Dodgers) had a very unruly crowd. Beer throwing, fights, cursing, etc. It ruined it for me. I felt sorry for security, as they were busy all night. People sure can be gross.

$hit, you should here all my sports tapes from when i was a little kid up thru high school. parents and crowds going nuts ( mine included:) ) you know what, it didnt seem to bother us, or any officials. people are way too big of pu$$ies these days. teaching kids to play sports without scoring, so everyone is a winner and we all get trophies...yah...give me a damn break. dont yell at your kid to run faster, slide, keep your head down, pay attention!! wouldnt want to offend anyone or god for bid get your kids attention.....because its okay for little jimmy to chase bees in the middle of the game...let him be, he'll still get a trophy for being a super duper player of the universe!
Here's a joke I heard about baseball umpires:

God and the Devil were going to have a high stakes baseball game for control issues on earth. God told the Devil,"No problem for me choosing my team, I've got so many great players the likes of the Babe, Ted Williams, DiMaggio, Mantle. Bring it on with your team, Satan!" The Devil just replied, "No worries for me either, I have all the umpires!"

I lived in the bay area for 35 years and went to numerous Giants games but only a couple of Giant/Dodger becasue of what you mentioned. Takes all the fun out of the game when people act so stupid.

Same thing happens here when I go to Angel's games when they play the Dodgers. The fans get unruly, fights, you name it and now I avoid it.

Something about those damn Dodgers brings out the bad in folks.
I have refereed and umpired many many games and it should be mandatory that every parent umpire or officiate one game once in their life. They would have an entirely new apprecation for what those guys do. Getting yelled at goes with the territory but there is a limit for everyone. Some days your skin is thicker than others and I usually try and not have a quick trigger but I also will toss a player, or fan or coach in a heart beat if in fact they deserve it. Basketball is a prime example. On the court things happen infinitely faster than from a few rows or many rows above the court. Unless you have officiated a game you have no idea what I am talking about but views are easily blocked and you are trying to watch your area and make the call. It is not easy. Yes there are bad referees but there are also many really really good ones.

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