Ultravids vs Trinovids



I have settled on Leica as my Bino's of choice, however I have only looked through the Trinovids. They are very nice glass.

My questions are:
Is there much of a difference between Trins and Ultras with respect to ergenomics, glass quality, dawn and dusk, toughness etc. I
Is there a reason there is a price difference and is it really worth it.
I will be using them primarily glassing cutblocks, timber and swamps. I am a hunting guide and although I look after my stuff, it will be used a lot and in very nasty weather. They will also be in 8x as I have Esential Tremour which causes hand shakes.

Sitka, you may try getting a cheap tripod to mount your binoculars on to stop the shakes. It makes a world of difference.
I cannot comment on the Ultravids but I can tell you what I found when I was researching binoculars. I took about 10 pairs of binoculars outside with me at the store and focused them all for me and then I started taking turns looking through each pair. I quickly narrowed my choices down to the Swaro slc's, the Leica Trinovids, and the Swaro EL's. There was not a pair of Ultravids in the store so I could not test them or I surely would have. I found the Trinovids and the slc's neck to neck in viewing quality but the EL's were much brighter and I needed no time for my eyes to adjust when I used the EL's. I've been told that the ultravids are just as good as the EL's just as similar as the the Trins and the slc's were. If that is the case then the Ultravids get my vote over the Trinovids because of the viewing quality in low light and even in good light. Many people will tell you that that they are not worth the extra cost but that is a personal decision. I say that if your gonna spend that kind of money then you may as well have the best. Goodluck, fatrooster.

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