Uh oh, Roger Clemens indicted on perjury.....

Liar, liar, pant's on fire!!!! ;-) Can't say that I've never lied, but I can definitely say that I HATE getting caught!

There will be all sorts of spin on this, but anyone with a brain knows what the bottom line is......


The guys that admitted they used are now old news and nobody cares anymore, Clemens and Bonds are toast but I think Clemens more so than Bonds, McNamee wants to hammer Clemens but that Anderson guy won't say a word and is willing to stay in jail for Bonds. Talk about a guy dropping off the face of the earth. Bonds is just gone. Here today gone tomorrow about as fast as any major pro sports star around.
I heap nothing but praise on someone that lied to the kings of lieing....the US congress...wtf are they doing questioning baseball players anyway?????F...them

"Roger is looking forward to his day in court," Clemens lawyer Rusty Hardin told a news conference. "He is happy this has finally happened. We have known for some time this was going to happen. We'll let everything get taken care of in court."

I guess the customary confession will be forthcoming in a few months.
I have to agree with JB.

I laugh at Congress calling anyone a liar, in the first place. Secondly, what does baseball have to do with the government?......or vice versa.

When they convince me that they are squeeky clean, and ACTUALLY do what THEY were hired to do.........

Oh, by the way, I still like "Bonds the baseball player" and I don't care what he did or did not do. He was fun to watch! Same goes for Pete and Roger.
Bonds has a better attorney....he will never go to trial.
Hex the feds keep f'n up, which id fine with me..
Bonds ROCKS.....


>I heap nothing but praise on
>someone that lied to the
>kings of lieing....the US congress...wtf
>are they doing questioning baseball
>players anyway?????F...them

Good point. Those cockroaches dont have the right to question anybody.
>I heap nothing but praise on
>someone that lied to the
>kings of lieing....the US congress...wtf
>are they doing questioning baseball
>players anyway?????F...them

Already been said, but +++111!!! ;-)



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