Ugh..Neighbor's pet


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-07 AT 10:36AM (MST)[p]She keeps coming into my yard and she's kinda mean. How annoying. Cute...but unwelcome. I'm going to trap her and cage her up all day if this continues. They aren't home during the day and I don't want coon/cat/chicken fights all day long.


Heh... we had one of those as a pet for a while, got meaner than hell there towards the end, it would tackle you and go through your pockets for a something chocolate.

Give it a big ole ball of chewing gum and send it home... they will rub it all over their faces and make for some fun times when the owners get home :D

When I was a little boy my aunt use to have one that lived in her house. That thing was meaner then a guard dog and when we would visit her she would have to put it in the back room. I barely remember it, but I do remember that thing was as fat as a hippo.

I didn't know that Ivan was your neighbor! I thought he lived in Idaho...

Watch your chicks too. If they start disappearing then its Karter - get out your shotgun!

Take care of that thing quickly - before your neighbor sees! Then take it over to Grizzy to skin it and tan it and then you can make your kid a coon skin cap with it! Besides after all the time it takes to do that your neighbor will have forgotten all about it and if they do ask why your boy has a coon skin cap then you can just say his cousin got it for him at the Alamo in San Antonio!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>Take care of that thing quickly
>- before your neighbor sees!

Yeah, cuz the kids have really been wanting a dog and I'd hate to see our new pup violated by a racoon...... LOL

Awww...I remember Ivan's coon! Her name was Misty and I remember Ivan crying when she died (uh...sorry UGAhunter). He loved her. She was kinda mean though, wasn't she? Didn't she bite Grizz?
Just think about how your hubby weed whacked your flowers , get po'ed and use that anger and shoot the little sum bich.....Done deal....your welcome....

PS Triplek , my little 9 year old tried out for the 12U NM S undancers and made the team....FASTPITCH FEVER BABY!!!
My neighbor had one got it as just a kit or pup or whatever their called when their little. Bit his kid when it was about a year old disappeared and his kid had to get rabbies shots.
>My neighbor had one got it
>as just a kit or
>pup or whatever their called
>when their little. Bit
>his kid when it was
>about a year old disappeared
>and his kid had to
>get rabbies shots.

That's what I'm afraid of! I don't want anyone to have to undergo painful rabies shots. That little critter would make a fine coonskin cap, wouldn't it?
yep! Bang no worry about it biting those beautiful children of yours. I actually had a coonskin cap when I was about the age of your son who showed the pig. I was a fashion idol of the town I lived in.
TripleK, they ended up playing in Phoenix the same week in the USSSA 16U world tourny.They ended up 3and4 and tied for 13th in points , not real well. Ended up getting knocked out by the only two other teams from NM.Go figure , we play them all summer here at local tournys and then go to the world tourny to meet up with them....
Ole Misty... She was a bit nippy to all but me. She never tried to bite me, bud chased a lot of snot-nosed neighbor kids around. The bastard neighbor shot her in the night and threw her in the back of his truck! Charley, my 40-pound male, was much nicer until he tasted chicken blood!

So, KKK, you leave that cute little thing alone!
>So, KKK, you leave that cute
>little thing alone!

Ivan...that coon is GONE. I don't know what happened to it, but it disappeared a couple of weeks ago. Of course they think *I* did away w/it, but I swear I had nothing to do with its disappearance. I swear it!

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