UFO's Seriously



LAST EDITED ON Nov-09-07 AT 01:37AM (MST)[p]How many of you have seen a ufo?

i'm not talking martians, but something in the air that you couldn't identify.

My bro and i are coming off the mountain at dark tonight, and he looks up in the sky and says "is that a star or a planet?"
i look up and i can see red and green "pulses"...Airplane right?!
It didn't move. Bino inspections did reveal red and green lights. as did spotting scope.( we stopped our decent to "figure it out")
for 20 minutes it didn't move, then some clouds moved in.
We didn't figure it out.....unless my theory was correct and it was a sasquatch transplant program

i do not think it was martians, just unexplained to me!

Nothing serious is going to come out of this thread, watch!
Where was your sister-in-law when you clowns were watching the martians ??

It was the common type of UFO Bigfoot craft called a Pulsar or Pulsars. They hide it the daytime and only come out after dark.
You better sign off now and hit the rack or you won't be worth a crap tomorrow hunting elk.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-09-07 AT 01:23AM (MST)[p]Different brother, and sis in law, but she was at home taking care of my neice and being a very supportive wife to my brother.
......and getting me my liquid desserts
LAST EDITED ON Nov-09-07 AT 01:09AM (MST)[p]i aint worth a crap any way, besides i'll have plenty of time to sleep when i get back to the office.

unless you need me to leave so you can start talking smack about that crazy Tageater "blowing in a duck call" up on the mountain
I can sleep in, Bro has work in AM.
Could it be that maybe martinies had something to do with this green lite.
Yeah,big relief there.

you know somethin' ransom, i may start listening to you more often, i am beat. Ya'll have a good'n
LAST EDITED ON Nov-09-07 AT 01:30AM (MST)[p]oh you two, taging up i'll never get sleep....I can be pretty sure the mushrooms we ate were in fact from the middle of a cow pie--those are the safe ones right?
Thats going to explain alot!!!!

trees dont talk either do they?and you cant really fall up the hill, cause thats what it felt like.

leason learned, where were you before we stopped for snack time?

I have seen that a few times myself I'm pretty sure they ar just stars.

Just got this photo from google (yes you can view stars now also)


Me thinks you guys ran into one of those mexican mafia marijuana grows and consumed too much, because you are obviously still too high when you typed this post!
I was standing by the monky cage at the zoo 'an something flew past my head... was THAT a UFO???
I think im going to drin k tonight. Dont have photo shop but i have paint and i gotz some pics to fix.
>Yes, I sure did.
>It had 15 inch bases!

You just have to believe is all, bigooft, aliens and 15" bases.
I heard reports of 16" bases.

the nice thing about coming on here at 5 am is none of ya'll can say squat right back!!!!
my bro did get violated by the ufo, NOT funny, for you that weren't there!( i laughed my arse off)cause i was there and i saw the look on his face---reminded my of the first time zims gal showed up at the hospital....thats another story.

I've seen 2, once while in the Ravendale area scouting, my wife and kids were there and saw it also, the second time up near the Oregon and Kali boarder, at dawn, while hunting...

I have my own explanation about 'em....
>I've seen 2, once while in
>the Ravendale area scouting, my
>wife and kids were there
>and saw it also, the
>second time up near the
>Oregon and Kali boarder, at
>dawn, while hunting...
>I have my own explanation about


We have some of the old stomping grounds. I saw something out by Painter Flats east of Ravendale in the early 1980's. Thought it first was a UFO but turned out to be a stealth plane or so thats what I think it was.

Ransom, it was a 182 and you had way too much moonshine. it was black because it was midnight.

Another mystery solved.

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