UFC, Whos Watchin?



I am, I fly out this afternoon for Atlanta. Look for me on the tube

Drummond- I'm bummed...I am in a wedding so I'll be at the reception. I'm pullin' for Chuck but I think Rashad is just too good. I'm also pullin' for Matt Hamill as well. Have fun at the fights.....be careful.

I wish I could! Busy with football games all day and need to spend time with the kids that night. But Liddell is going to romp!

Hamill should win too.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
we fly to ATL tomorrow morning then after the fights we'll be partying at the Hard Rock cafe. should be a good time watching Chuckie impose his will.
I haven't seen Chuck lately....but I talked to a guy last night who said Chuck looks great! I guess he is in really good shape and doesn't have the gut like he typically does. Maybe he took this fight more seriously than some of the others in the recent past. Let's hope so. I'd like to see him back on top. This would be a huge win. Not sure if he can do it. Rashad is tough.

>we fly to ATL tomorrow morning
>then after the fights we'll
>be partying at the Hard
>Rock cafe. should be a
>good time watching Chuckie impose
>his will.

PM me your number and I'll let you know where we're going to be after the fights

I'll be at home but you can call me....j/k....Yep I'm hoping Chuck puts a MASSIVE HURT on suger Rashard.....I didn't like him in the UF I don't like him now!
Bet the farm on Liddell. This is a HUGE step up in competition for Evans. Chuck has seen the best and beat the best. Liddell should dominate.

Franklin/Hamill should be interesting as well.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-08 AT 11:13PM (MST)[p]"Bet the farm on Liddell. This
is a HUGE step up
in competition for Evans. Chuck
has seen the best and
beat the best. Liddell should

Ok note to self dont listen to him lol.
Glad Henderson & Franklin won.
I wish you were right man, but Lidell just took the biggest shot of his life, and I wouldn't be surprised if he's DONE. My heart sunk when I saw him drop. Rashad got lucky, all he did was dance around like a little fag. But like Rogan said, some of Evans best hits are defensive, and that sure was true tonight. Sad night in the UFC world tonight!!!
Well it's not the first time I've been wrong and it won't be the last.

Liddell should have jumped all over Evans early. Evans was intimidated early but the longer the fight went you could see him gain confidence. Evans' KO punch was brutal. One of the most brutal I have ever seen. Sad day for Liddell fans indeeed.

Liddell has lost 3 out of his last 4 fights. Maybe it's time he hang em up. Franklin and Henderson still look like the have plenty in the tank to keep fighting. We need guys like that in the UFC. I'm tired of the reality show guys getting all the pub. Guys like Franklin, Henderson, Liddell, Penn, St. Pierre, ect. are the pioneers of the sport, have been in the wars, and have always fought the best competition, unlike most guys off TUF show.

The Atlanta crowd was a joke. Justs shows how little they know about MMA. The constant booing got really old and was totally disrespectful to the fighters.

The booing was really low class, especially with the technical fights taking place. These fans just wanted a bar fight.

Hendo looked good, great sprawling and punches, especially that last down-punch when his opponent thought it was over.

Chucked got knocked the eff out! That rear view with his neck twisting was brutal, hope he's okay.

Okay night of fights overall.


I won my bet last night at a UFC party on the Iceman/Evans fight.
That was a sweet knockout! I could definitely go without the stupid antics displayed afterward.

last night fights are old news already. who can wait for brock against randy!!!
Chuckie has gotten to one dimensional. He was just looking for the one power punch... like the one he ended up getting clobbered with. Chuck has good wrestling and kickboxing skills and he never tried to use them to keep Rashad off balance. Can't get away with that all the time in today's MMA.

Rashad is very good, but to cocky and disrespectful for my liking. Was great to see Hendo win and look very good doing it.
Chuck is probably done. That Darrius Rucker look-alike has a bad ass right hand. I probably won't buy another fight til Couture and Lesnar. Hendo was solid but my old heros are sure gettin long in the tooth. Did that guy Hendo fought even have a forehead?
I can't wait until Leben kicks the sh!t out of Bisbing! Leben is probably the guy that has enough balls to go directly at Bisbing and throw down. He is so wreckless that he'll catch Bisbing with something that will hurt him and Leben will finish him.

I was sorry to see Chuck lose. We left the wedding we were at to make the fight at a friends house. Chuck got jacked! What a nasty right Rashad threw. He may have one more fight in him. He's still got a ton of fans and he is a hell of a guy.


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