UFC, Whos Watchin?



Well, whos watching and who are you predicting to win?

I am on the floor tomorrow and look forward to watching Dan Henderson walk away with the belt!

The whole card is good and has some very intriguing matchups


Oh yes!!!!!

I replied on another thread. Great card. One of the best ever for the UFC. I know your relationship to Henderson but to me this fight is too close to call and I am just so excited for the fight that I don't care who wins. Herring-Kongo is a good one and Fitch is becoming one of my favorites to watch.

Post up some pics if you can after the event. Enjoy!!!
I will be watchin, This should be one of the best cards of all time...... I cannot believe that KOS, or deigo might not even be televised. AA might not been seen either. I don't like Kos or deigo but I would like to see them get there butts kicked.
WAR Leben/finch an AA
I can't wait..........................

I can't wait although I think the main event will be a let down. I think Silva will walk through Henderson just like he did Franklin. The Herring/Congo fight interests me the most. Herring brings it every fight! I think he may be over matched against Congo though.

Dan looked awesome; I missed weigh in but caught up with him in his room last night. He looks as good as I've ever seen him, it's going to be an awesome night of fights. Hendo by knockout!!

"I cant wait to see Henderson walk through Silva like shallow water."

"Henderson is gonna kill Silva, he is gonna knock him out just like he did to Vanderlei"

"Silva can't handle the best Greco-Roman wrestler in the world, he is to strong and hits to hard, you cant train for a guy like Henderson"

1. Just like I said to the first post, walk through water my @$$, 2. Looks like it was Silva that killed Hendo and 3. Apparently he trained just fine cuz he beat him in every apsect of that fight, without question.

For the people that were cheering for Silva, way to go! You truly picked the better fighter, and now with a victory like that over perhaps the hardest chinned/striker in MMA, Silva proved why he is the best. The first round Silva did come out a little shakey I have to admit, but after he sized Hendo up and figured him out I knew it wouldnt be long before Silva landed a huge knee, just like he always does. Silva is the best pound for pound fighter in the world, no questions asked, especially after tonight. Anderson totally dominated Hendo in this fight. Im so happy with the outcome of this fight! I knew he would win, but now it is unanimous, Silva is the best pound-for-pound figher in the world. And will not be beat for a LONG LONG time. Great Herring and Kongo fight too, I really like Herring, he fought every second of that fight. Awesome knock out by Koscheck and Leben as well. SILVA IS UNSTOPPABLE!!!


Well, i am posting from my phone at the fight, hats off to Anderson Silva for his greatest win yet. He is a class act and an amazing fighter. Truly a great champion!

Dan will be back, i cannot wait to see him climb back up to the top. He is a great champion as well and will be back.


I'm just not down with Anderson Silva. No doubt he is one of the best in the world right now. I'm just not a fan. Henderson won the 1st round. But the second round was brutal. Silva took it to Henderson big time. I was pulling for Henderson so bad in that 2nd round. Hendo is a Class Act. Would have liked to see him win this one...

There is no one that presents a challenge to Silva at 185. I don't think PPV will do well with Silva headlining fights @185. So hopefully he will move up to 205 or St. Pierre will move up to 185. Either way, Silva is just an amazing fighter on top of his game and on top in the UFC.

I'd like to see what Silva does with the likes of Rampage, Liddell or even St. Pierre. Those are matchups that would sell PPV'S. If he continues to fight 185 no one stands a chance unless GSP moves up. Highly unlikely.....
Silva looked pretty dominant in the second round for sure! If Hendo could have held on for just 13 more seconds! It was a good fight. I think Silva is very very good. We'll have to see who can stand with him. I don't think GSP is the answer. It is going to have to be somone who is better on the ground than Silva. His reach is incredible and it is hard to get in close for a good power shot oh him.

I was happy with the Herring/Congo fight too. Herring won it with those knees to the body. Brutal. The knockdown in the 1st helped out too. How about that up kick too! Definitely the most entertaining fight.

There were some good KO's too!

All in all, a good $5 well spent.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
We were saying the same thing after the fight about Silva needing to move up to sell fights. He has now completely dismantled the best at that weight class. I have a feeling that someone like Rampage would just over power him though.

So for you guy's that know Henderson, how tall is he really? They listed him at 6'1" and Silva at 6'2" but Silva was way more than an inch taller.

It was a little strange that Silva made the point talking to Rogan that Franklin is the best challenger. He said no disrespect to Henderson but he didn't seem to have much respect for him even before the fight.

The Texas Crazy Horse is a stud! Kongo wanted no part of him standing up and just couldn't control him on the ground.

I'm curious why some of you guys are in love with Silva? He doesn't even speak english. Yeah he's a good fighter but come on, let's support Hendo from the good ole USA. Not to mention the fact that he's one of us, someone that loves to be in the woods & hunt. That's just my point of view.

Silva didn't even touch gloves in the beginning of the fight & Hendo tried to. And then he totally belittled Dan by saying Rich was tougher. What a class act!
i dont know. maybe i missed something. i thought that was the worst card yet. i didnt see anything exciting in any of the fights except round 2 of the main event. i sure thought dan wouldve faired a little better. just like in the rampage fight.

i would say it was pretty much a waste of $45. i would rather watch WEC fights then UFC lately.

the MClovin shirt was funny.
I like Silva because he is a true champion. He is so well rounded. He is an awsome striker, has awesome length, stamina and Muy Thai skills and is no match for anyone on the ground. He is a true champ that possesses all the skills it takes to be a true champ. It was kind of a poor show of sportsmenship when he didnt touch gloves with Hendo at the start, but after all the comments about "how he is gonna beat him up and have his hand raised and walk away with the belt" while Silva remained humble and stated that "it would be a great fight, perhaps one of the best in MMA history" I would have been a little hesitant about touching gloves to, however still not an excuse. My only regret to the fight was that it didnt go past the 2nd round, however, with Silva being the un-stoppable fighter he is, what can one expect right?


"I'm curious why some of you guys are in love with Silva? He doesn't even speak english. Yeah he's a good fighter but come on, let's support Hendo from the good ole USA. Not to mention the fact that he's one of us, someone that loves to be in the woods & hunt. That's just my point of view.
Silva didn't even touch gloves in the beginning of the fight & Hendo tried to. And then he totally belittled Dan by saying Rich was tougher. What a class act!"

Silva is a good fighter for sure or he wouldnt be there-a good sport or a "class act" though? Not by a long shot. He may have won but he is no Hendo. I have had Dan in my home and prayed over dinner with him at the table and I can tell you first hand that this man is Salt of the earth.

Great sportsman and Great American!!

Oh so now this thread is gonna turn into one where just to be a great athlete in a sport you dominate and totally kick @$$ in? Thats bs. So what if he doesnt speak english, or didnt touch gloves with him. When Hendo intentionally elbowed Vanderlei in the face with an elbow (illegal in Pride) after Vanderlei was already out? Thats sportsmenship? Everyone might want to think twice before we try to defend what a class act is in sports. Anderson Silva has been my favorite fighter since his earliest days in Pride until now in the UFC where he is still the best in his class, and perhaps the best at his weight ever. He is pound-for-pound the best fighter in the world and will be for a very long time.

Like I said everyone might want to think twice about trying to define sportsmenship when people on here are saying "Silva is Overrated" and "Hendo is gonna walk through Silva like shallow water" Now thats a load of sh**. Sportsmenship? How about giving credit where credit is due, and givin Silva the respect he deserves. PERIOD. Best fighter in the world right now. American or not, English or not, "Touching gloves" or not he is the best. And maybe everyone should think twice before they try to take anything away from him.


Timberline...couldn't agree with you more. Let's not make this into a thread like others here on Monstermuleys that go down the drain fast. I've enjoyed UFC chat on this website. I have been a fan since I watched Royce Gracie hold onto guys for 30 minutes to win a fight. Who cares what language they speak? WOW... How many foreigners did Hendo have in the gym helping him for this fight? I know of two right off the bat. Not enough good American fighters to help him?

So is Rampage not a "class" act because he didn't touch gloves with Hendo? Everyone loves that guys interviews and no one says he isn't a class act. Everything I have read about Anderson and seen is nothing but class. He does a ton for his community in Brazil as well as fans here in the U.S. No this isn't info I watch on "UFC Countdown." Did you see his interactions with Franklin? We haven't seen that much class and respect between two fighters for a long time.

I don't know if he is Pound for Pound the best fighter out there. What does Pound for Pound mean really? What if Fedor fought how he does at 185? He is very exciting and always pushing the pace. My opinion is he is the best in the world but he's fighting cans so I am pissed right now...another thread.

I would like to see Wanderlei drop to 185 and fight Anderson. They are friends but Anderson has said he would do it. Let's see how Wand does against Jardine.

I gave credit where credit was due, Anderson won a fight that I didnt think he would win. My hats off to him. Dan went up to him right after the fight, got on his knee beside him, and told him that he was a true champion.

That being said, lets not forget that Dan won the first round in decisive fashion, at one time he landed 27 straight punches. Its the first round that Anderson has lost in 5 UFC fights. I think this is why people are scratching their heads as to why he said what he did about Rich being tougher. There could be a number of explanations for this, he and Rich are good friends and there could have been something lost in translation. Regardless, if Dan had stuck to his original game plan and not let Anderson create space in the clinch there could have been a different outcome. He was well ahead on all scorecards until he got caught with that knee with 2 min left in the 2nd round.

Dan will be back, I think he still has 3 fights left on his contract and I am hoping for a rematch.


Like I said Anderson Silva is perhaps the best fighter in the world, He is so well rounded and a true champion for sure. Like I said just because he said he thought Rich was better, doesnt mean he disrespected Hendo. Anderson is a great guy, and an even better fighter. Everyone has there heroes, he just said he thought Rich was a tuffer match up, if you listened he did say "No disrespect to Hendo", he made it loud and clear he wasnt doin it to cut Dan down, he said it cuz Rich is a good friend of his, thats all. I remember when Michael Jordan as playin basketball, he said that Allen Iverson was the fastest guy he had ever guarded. That doesnt mean he was disrespecting everyone else that he ever played, he was just stating an opinion. Thats all.

As for the whole "if" Dan woulda done this and "if" Hendo woulda done that he woulda won. Well "if" alot of people just did it, instead of sayin "if" I would have done this I woulda won, every fight would be a 110% turn around. What "if" Anderson would have kicked Dan in the head and knocked him out, that would have been a different outcome. The "if" factor in a fight is just an excuse for losing a fight. People will always say what "if" this woulda happened, or what "if" he did this different here. Hendo flat out got dominated, sure we won the first round, big deal. That woulda meant somethin if he won the fight, not just the round. The only win that matters is who gets their hand raised at the end of the fight. And this time it was Silva, as it shoulda been. The better fighter won regardless, of who is tuffer outta Rich or Dan, or what "if" this or that. A HUGE win for Anderson. Congrats to the best pound for pound fighter in the world.


I'm sure there will be a re-match between Silva and Henderson. Look at all the other re-matches ther have been in the UFC jsut because it will sell....Liddell and Ortiz...Ortiz and Couture...Silva and Franklin...Bonnar and Griffin.

Who else can Silva fight that will be a good draw?

GSP come up in weight? Ain't gonna happen. Can't wait to see him kick the crap out of Serra!!


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