ufc was great



there was some great fights tonight well worth the pay per view cost split a couple ways with the guys.brock is a beast and gsp vs the new bj penn would be epic.
Penn can't beat GSP!! Lesnar looked great and proved he can go deeper into fights. He man-handled Heath. Loved the GSP/Fitch fight. Fitch can take some punishment and GSP can dish it out. This loss did not hurt Fitch. He is still a main event fighter. Check Kongo fought a nobody and I was not too impressed. Probably should've finished him sooner to make a better showing. Maia is a guy to watch in the future. Interesting to see who he fights next..

Kongo is ripped...big deal..he is trash.

Lesner, we shall see. Looked pretty good tonight for sure.

As for Penn...I loved him before he licked the blood of his last oppenent, and would have rooted for him against GSP...now, I hope he gets his AK'ed...

GSP did'nt look great tonight, but he will stomp Penn....
Florian dominated Huerta.....BIGTIME!! We were shocked. It was completely a one sided fight. Florian avoided most of Huerta's strikes and take downs. Florian looked great! At the end of the fight, Florian went to Huertas corner to give him props and Huerta wouldn't have any of it. What a d!ck weed!! I was stoked that Florian won. He is a true student of the game and he is very well educated. He represents the sport in a very good way.

Lesner bombed the TX Crazy Horse and that one punch dictated the rest of the fight, I don't think he ever really recovered.I think Lesner will be good but he just doen't impress me , I need to see him a few more times.But he proved to have heavy heavy hands, although he couldn't stop the TXCH.

Huerta got hammered, I couldn't believe it. Ken Flo is the real deal and I always said he wasn't that good. Well I'm eating crow , he is a jam up fighter.

Great fight card all together.....But man was I off in my predictions, got all three major fights wrong, yep I went with Jon Fitch to defeat GSP.....Gsp is my daughters favorite fighter and everybody that came over was going for him, but I just like Fitches fight style. GSP is just too much of a beast.....I'm saying now, THE PRODIGY WILL DEFEAT GSP!
+1 with gator77

Penn is a putz with absolutely no class and is very disrepectful to the sport that is putting that grass hut over his worthless head.
It's a good thing he has some fighting skills, cuz he certainly doesn't look like he could beat his way out of a wet paper sack.

Penn isn't much to look at, youre right. He's got incredible flexability, heavy hands, great take down defense and a lot of heart. Here's the question- will GSP cut weight or will Penn bulk up to make weight? I'd love to see GSP hold both titles, but I doubt cutting weight will be in his best interest. I don't see this fight happening anytime soon.

Looking forward to Chuck fighting again. He'll lose to Rashad Evans but will be a good fight I think.

I see Leben fighting Bisbing coming up. I thought Leben got booted due to a DUI and assault. What is up with that? Did Dana White reinstate him or what? He's good for the UFC cuz he can brawl and he always puts on a good fight.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-11-08 AT 03:45PM (MST)[p]Lesnar may have been worried about getting caught in leg lock or ankle crank if he gave Heath a chance to grab his leg. That would be a Mir flashback.


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