UFC update?



did anyone get to watch last nights pay-per-view?
how was the fight between Randy Couture and Mark Colman? seems they are both getting up there in age, but Randy Couture has always been my favorite since i watched him as one of the coaches for the Oregon State wrestling team.

how were the other fights?
Couture beat Coleman up in the first round with some dirty boxing, then takes his back in the second round and choked Coleman out.

Serra knocked out Trigg in the 1st round.

Meia won decision against Miller.

Thiago choked out Swick in the 2nd round.

Sonnen beat Marquart.

thanks for the update!!

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
coleman looked very slow and showed his age . sonnen looked very immpressive so did paulo . would like to know what tito said to coleman.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-10 AT 02:11PM (MST)[p]I think Matt has gained some respect from me and Trigg is just a puss. I'm surprised Matt didn't rear naked choke him out lol.

I sat next to Sonnen while eating at the Mandala bay Casino. He seemed nice. I also saw this short guy with tattoos hanging on a rocking girl that was about 5" taller then he was. Something just didn't add up. Then he turned around and noticed another short guy staring at his chick. Well short guys will will be short guys and he puffed up like a buck in rut and gave the stare down. I new who he was and I had to laugh inside. The guy ended up being one of the tap out owners! LOL

Randy is a STUD!


Archery is a year round commitment!!
Coleman looked bad.....it was sad to watch, I felt like I needed to go hug my grandpa afterwards.

Sonnen must have bled a liter from that nasty cut, it was a good fight. Couple great submissions, ok night of fights, but that last fight was hard to watch....and Tito IS a douchebag..

I thought the Sonnen/Marquart fight was the only one worth watching the whole night. I couldnt believe that Rogan was even mentioning that Marquart may get a decision. That thought shouldnt have been entertained AT ALL. Sonnen dominated!

Coleman is gonna need a manzier next time he gets in the ring.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-10 AT 01:01PM (MST)[p]thanks for the update!
that is awsome Chael Sonnan{ or however it is spelled] is doing good. i can remember when we wrestled west linn high school and i got to watch him wrestle. he was awsome! then his dad was a horse trainer on the same track as my brother in law. he's always seemed super nice guy( not that i know him personally) but it is cool to see someone i watched way back then, 1994 or 95, still kicking arse! i wish i would have known he was fighting in this fight. i've watched him a few times in the WEC and he kicks but, he got hosed in both his championship fights with palo filio. first fight he was kicking his but, but got caught in an arm bar with like 10 seconds in the round left and was absolutly telling the reff "no-no" saying he was not tapping but the ref called it. the next fight i think palo new he'd get his arse whooped so he didn't make weight so it was a non title fight and cheal kicked his@$$
but although i think he can fight with anyone, this championship fight would be against Anderson Silva- and i dont know if anyone will beat him for a long time.
I disagree Killabee. I think Sonnen has the smarts and skill to beat Silva. It will be the next "BIG" upset.

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
>I disagree Killabee. I think Sonnen
>has the smarts and skill
>to beat Silva. It will
>be the next "BIG" upset.
>If quizzes are quizzical, what are

i sure hope so, that would be awsome! i know when that fight happens, i'll buy it! he does seem like the type of guy who will never get his a$$ just handed to him. in high school, i remember he was just better than anyone else he wrestled.
Sonnen dominated Marquardt. That really upset me. I like Nate a lot as a fighter and as a person and the respect he's got for his opponent. Not sure why he didn't try harder to not be taken down. Sonnen had a great game plan and it worked perfectly. At one time, I think in the second round, Nate had a guillotine in pretty deep and I kept saying, "tap, tap, tap........TAP!!" but out popped the head. There was more damage to Chael than to Nate. That was a nasty cut. Congrats to Sonnen, he won the fight.

Paulo Thiago is a total sleeper. I don't see how he's catching guys. Koscheck should have beat the crap out of him because he's a brawler and got power. Swick punches in bunches and has power...also has submissions. It's almost like Thiago has a rabbits foot in his ass! he's 13-1 so he's doing something right.

Marc Coleman is done......too old. Randy will be around 2 more years or so. The dude can still fight.


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