UFC Tonight Worth the Price?


Super Moderator
Anyone buying? Just curious if its worth the money? The main even should be a good one.. After watching the entire season of TUF, I want to see the coaches battle. I also would love to see KOS get knocked out. How about you guys?


Later, Brandon
The wife and I decided to go out to dinner instead.

The card is weak in my opinion.

Good luck to Lytle and Griffin. Hope they both win.

I still cannot believe you called me a phag!?!? What is up with that?;-)

UFC? No. To queer for me watching guys get sweaty and rub all over each other. Yuk!;-)
LAST EDITED ON Jul-05-08 AT 07:57PM (MST)[p]Going to a buddy's house - only paying $5 - Forrest and Rampage should be worth it just for the hype. We'll see about the rest. The good thing is, another one of the guys is a chef - makes some great chicken wings - included in the price! Good deal all around.

I will cheer for Forrest - but I think Rampage wins.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
ktc, HAHA!!

Roy, you lucky dog!!! I agree on the pics.. damn, I went ahead and ordered...


Later, Brandon
I'm thinkin the street dance in Salina will be better. Should be some blood sport action out back a the bar. Come on down BROWTINE! Kick yer azz and give your money back!

"I needed a cheesy signature saying like everyone else"
You best be comin down for the "ELK HUNT" I think were gonna need some back up. ;)

"I needed a cheesy signature saying like everyone else"
Do you live there in Salina?? Only stayed there once in 2000 to hunt, not much there but that old cafe on the corner. Don't remember the ladies name but GREAT SCONES there for sure.
Also just down the road west of the main signals there, finally ate there one Monday and the menu as we walked in advertised the specials: BIG ASS COUNTRY STEAK and them Fries are the biggest I have ever seen and had the pleasure of eating. Hunting sucked though there and too many knotheads shooting over our heads for a poor little pisscutter spike buck.

It was worth the price until the final decision! How much did they have to pay the judges, does anyone know??? Forest lost that fight, and with Rampage having a hurt leg. Say hello to the next boxing, fixed so they make more money, are there any real sports left?????????????????????
LAST EDITED ON Jul-06-08 AT 06:45AM (MST)[p]Mossback50 - I don't know what you were smoking, but you need to go back and watch it again without the haze hiding your judgement! Give it up! Only the first round clearly went to Rampage, Forrest dominated the second round, took out Rampage's leg, and Rampage lost his punching power and his aggression. That should have been a 10-8 round for Griffin. From that point on, it was real close, Rampage got in some good shots, but he never re-gained control and Forrest was the agressor the whole time! I thought it could have went either way for the 3rd round - give it to Rampage if you want but the 4th and 5th are clearly Forrest's! In the 4th He nearly choked Rampage out with the triangle and prevented Rampage from slamming him, what damage did Rampage do? The only reason he ends up in Forrest's guard is because of Forrest's aggressivenes in going for triangle. The 5th is Forrest's too - he way out scored Rampage. You can't outpoint someone by just laying back and counterpunching, unless you do some serious damage and turn the momentum your way, which Rampage clearly did not. Far far far from being fixed as you claim. It might have been a little closer, but not a conspiracy at all. Quit being a sore Rampage fan and watch the fight again. You might see it differently! LOL.

Griffin Jackson
Rd 1 - 9 10
Rd 2 - 10 8
Rd 3 - 9 10
Rd 4 - 10 9
Rd 5 - 10 9

Totals 48 46

Definitely worth the money! There were some good fights on the undercard too - most of them were top notch except for Cote vs Almeida, good techincally but striker vs. grappler bouts can get boring because neither will enter the other's arena.

Loved the Coscheck / Lytle fight! Coscheck's hair turned pink from all the blood coming from Lytle. Freaking cool!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Excellent fight card. Anyone who says Rampage one wasn't watching the fight. Forrest controlled the tempo, got in more shots, messed up Jacksons leg. Even Jackson afterward admitted ho got his AZZ whopped! Lytle bled like a stuck pig, but had the fans on his side for fighting right to the final bell. Kote won, but he wouldn't last long against Anderson. Stephenson looked solid.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
yup.. Dana White was looking our for his boy. forrest is a tool. anyone who runs out of the stadium crying because he lost should have never been invited back.

dominated?? im not thinking thats what its called when you stay in mount position all round and never score a strike. round 2 shouldve went to jackson. i think it should have been a split overall.

stephenson? are you serious? looked solid? did i watch the same fights??
Joe Steveson was getting worked before he close it out with a hold, BUT THAT WHY YOU FIGHT THE WHOLE MATCH. Not just a half if you win the 1st half in the NFL football game what do you win, NOTHING.
dekkers, where did I mention Jackson was "dominated"? I said he got BEAT! How can you say Jackson won the second round? Forrest had himi barely standing, then was on top AND controlling the rest of the round? How does that translate into Jackson winning the fight? Joe daddy choked him out, I call that 'dominating'. Go figure.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
you didnt... roy did. rampage shoulda won the second because forrest didnt inflict any damage the whole time he was in mount position. good defence? or bad offence?

"joe daddy" was getting worked in dominating fashion.
>you didnt... roy did. rampage shoulda
>won the second because forrest
>didnt inflict any damage the
>whole time he was in
>mount position. good defence? or
>bad offence?
>"joe daddy" was getting worked in
>dominating fashion.

Sometime people say things that simply amaze me

+1 Drum!!

Dekkers - thanks for making that point. You just revelead yourself. Sorry that you are still emotional over Rampage's loss. I learned long ago not to get too attached to one team, fighter, etc. because they are human and sooner or later they will lose and you will get let down and will let your emotion cloud your judgement. I remember feeling the same way about the De La Hoya / Trinidad fight, but looking back, you can see where the judges had a case for Trinidad. Not so much in this fight. It was clear from round 2 that Forrest had as much claim to it as Rampage. Round 2 was all Forrest. He took out Rampage's leg and then yes, DOMINATED him on the ground. Rampage is a smart fighter and put up a good defense, but never once did he improve his position nor even make Forrest be defensive from the mount. The ONLY thing that Rampage did was maintain half-guard but he suffered greatly on the ground. If you have ever been in a Mixed Martial Arts / Brazilian Jiujitsu / Judo / wrestling workout you will know what I am saying is true.

Don't get me wrong, I am a Rampage fan and he had Forrest cold in the first round but couldn't finish. I think he grossly underestimated Forrest and his mind wasn't on the fight. Listen to his comments after the fight, cat-calling to his friends to text him because he was still going to party with them. FOCUS? Are you kidding me?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
well first let me say im not a rampage fan. in fact i dont know if im anybodys fan. i like to see good matches good fights. i never said he should have won the fight just said a split would have been better as i thought it was a close one.

yea his leg got hurt... thats what happens when it gets kicked
and so did griffens face. but if your in a dominate position all round and cant inflict damage that means it was defended well. right or wrong?

guess i just cant think that was as dominating fight for either one.

it doesnt matter now it is what it is. over.
I am a rampage fan, but he did lose that fight. But I dont see griffen keeping the belt for too long. The liddell/evens winner will probably fight him next, I think either one of those guys will have a good chance taking the belt away from griffen
How can you dispute the out come when Jackson said he got his A$$ Kicked. Great fight, Jackson will be back. Spider Silva moved up to this 205 weight class, he fights July 19Th on cable. This weight class is loaded. Like to see Forrest defend the title a couple times.

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