UFC tomorrow -buddy going


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON May-23-08 AT 01:40PM (MST)[p]So my friend has a party for every UFC event and we had one scheduled for tomorrow, but his bro in law just called with free floor tickets for the actual event. Needless to say he is driving down to vegas tomorrow. If anyone is having a viewing party in N Utah county me and a couple buddies would be willing to pitch in 10 bucks or whatever to check it out. I would just watch it online sunday but the live party is much more fun and I REALLY want to see the wand vs jardine fight live.




Hey buddy, all my Gold's "Gym Rat freinds" are all watching it out in the Ranches west of Lehi.
We all have 100" projection TV's and do a little "house swappin" for the fights.

Come on out buddy, BYOB!! ;-)

Tito and Machida will be a good fight! It really is a great card. We have the fights at our house everytime. We usually get about 30 people over here. It's a lot of fun. What do you guys think about Sherk and Penn?

I agree. Interesting card indeed.

I think Machida/Ortiz and Jardine/Wandy are toss up fights. If I have to pick I'll say Ortiz and Wandy will win.

BJ Penn is the real deal. He makes other fighters look bad. Even when he lost to GSP and Hughes he made both of them look real bad. Penn is the most talented fighter in the UFC when he wants to be.

Penn will dominate Sherk and hopefully embarrass the hell out of him.
You're tight about Penn being one of the best. But....I think if Sherk gets him down, it will go to a decision and Sherk wins. Yes, Penn has excellent ground defense but....he will get hit on the ground and Sherk will be able to keep him there. You may say that Sherk has to get him there first. Penn has great take down defense but all it takes is one take down a round and Sherk will keep it on the ground. That's how I see if panning out. I like BJ Penn but I just think if he gets taken down, it will go to the judges.

Gotto pull for Jardine. Come on....he's the Dean of Mean for Gods sake!!!

I take Machida with a nasty kick or maybe a knee when Tito shoots.

All of them should be good fights. BJ is better than I've ever seen him the last two fights, Sherk is mad,in shape, and hungry should be a hell of a fight.
It's a great card, I just hope Tito gets KO'd the first minute of the first round....can ya tell I don't care for the guy ?
Silva - Jardine, if the old Axe Murderer shows up I belive the Dean of Mean will have a long night.
Well, I called the Machida knee. I didnt figure Jardine would go down like he did. Houston Alexander caught him early like that and Jardine was able to recover and finish him off rather quickly. Jardine just couldnt recover. Silva looked pretty strong. Sherk only attempted 2 take downs and he didnt compete with Penn in the stand up game. Overall it wa a good card. Where will Tito go from here? Who can give BJ a run for his money in the lightweight division? Will he move up and compete in the middleweight division? Can he move up in weight and still compete with the likes of GSP, Hughes, Serra? Penn is good but can he alter his weight that much and still be competetive? Who else is in the lightweight division that will draw viewers?

Tito just about pulled off that triangle submission. Although Machida pretty much dominated Ortiz, it was a decent fight I guess.

Sounds like Tito is going on a book signing tour with his porno slut girlfriend Jenna Jammisen. Titos best days as a fighter are gone in my opinion.

Machida is tactical and talented, but extremely boring to watch. Wandy on the other hand is the complete opposite. Pit Bull in your face mentality and very entertaining to watch. Not afraid to stand in and trade. Wanderlei Silva is a very hard worker and is worth every penny he gets paid.

Something tells me that we may just see Anderson Silva/Wanderlei Silva in the near future. At least I'm crossing my fingers that it happens.

Same ol story with BJ Penn. If you want to stand with him, he'll break your face apart. The guy is very heavy handed. If you want to grapple with him, he'll turn you into a pretzel. Sherk knew that, that's why he didn't try to take the fight to the ground in my opinion. Penn out-classed Sherk big time. I was glad to see it happen.

I hope Penn stays at lightweight, I don't think GSP and Penn have anything to prove by fighting each other again.

Kimbo Slice vs. Brock Lessner?????
Kimbo Slice vs Lesnar would be a brawl. Probably will not last long. I'm sure neither is in the kind of shape to go deep into a fight. Neither really has great ground skills. I would love to see it because I think they are both to proud to get knocked out by the other. I haven't seen enough of either to determine who the favorite would be. I'd pay to see it!


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