UFC.... Tommy Speer is overrated!

  • Thread starter timberline_shedfreak24
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I was very disappointed after watching the ultimate fighter last night which matched up Tommy Speer of Team Hughes and Ben Saunders of Team Serra. I personally think Tommy is way overrated. The only reason his is threw to the quarters is because of his strength. He looks like a big dumb frankenstein fighter. He is not well rounded at all. He is winning however so something is obviously working but it just makes me very P/O'd that a fighter of such little tallent is doing so well. Maybe I just dont like him because he is on Matt Hughes team, or maybe because he reminds me of Matt Hughes, I dont know. I hate them both. I hope George Sotiropoulos just knocks the crap outta him. And as far as the Mac Danzig and Matt Aroyo fight go, I like Mac Danzig by far as my favorite fighter, the way he acts angers me but he is by far my favorite fighter in the cage and I think he will just to be to much for Matt to handle, unlike his iferior teammate tommy. I however am just one man with one opinion. What do you guys think?

I think this season is composed of a bunch of lack lustre, talentless thugs. They do have set it up so that George Sotiropoulos should be fighting Mac Danzig in the finals and those guys are the only ones with any real talent on the show (IMHO).
Besides that, this season has pushed Sera's first title defense off to December which is pretty aggravating too. Its odd that with the influx of new talent from Pride and various other organizations that there is so little movement within the ranks of each weight division.

"There is an island of opportunity in the middle of every difficulty. Miss that, though, and you're pretty much screwed..."
LAST EDITED ON Nov-29-07 AT 02:59PM (MST)[p]FYI, the serra-hughes fight is off because Serra is injured. Looks like Hughes is fighting GSP again.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-30-07 AT 08:21AM (MST)[p]I sure liked the way Speer fought his way out of the rear naked arm lock. Pretty tough to me. I agree about Danzig and Sotiroplous - they are the best, the rest are a buch of chumps. Can you believe what they did in the toilet? What a class-less juvenile move. "An upper-decker" - gross and disgusting, though the concept is hilarious, but for Beevis and Butthead...

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Nov-30-07 AT 11:10AM (MST)[p]I'm not sure how you can call any of these guys on TUF over or under-rated? Most of these guy are in their early 20's and have very few pro fights. MMA is really in it's infancy in the US, UFC is about 15 years old. Most of these guys have been training MMA for a short time.

Give the guy a break, he got out of two subs that would have snapped about everyones arm here on MM; and a triangle that would have put many to sleep or caused a tap. Plus he's won both his TUF fights.
I think so too. Didn't like it one bit that he wouldn't corner for that kid last week. Let them both hanging in the wind, except that Matt Hughes was there coaching the other guy.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy, I couldn't agree more.
If you're going to ask team mates to fight each other then you are cheating the one you don't corner because the other guys is getting corned (whether he wanted Hughes's advice or not). For that matter those guys that wouldn't go train with Hughes were pretty lame as well. Think what you want about Hughes but I'd take his coaching any day of the week.
AZ402, excellent points as well. I would like to have seen how much more affective the leg triangle would have been if the guy had grabbed his right ancle and cranked down as opposed to the horizontal shin but who knows.
Speer doesn't seem to be performing up to hiis potential to me. I saw him fight on a WEC card and he looked 3 times as good as hes shown on the show.

On the Hughes vs. St. Pierre issue.......


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