
Ok - who's watching tonight? What are your predictions - I say GSP by KO - though I hope it goes 5 rounds!

Also - what are you eating and is this a bigger party than for the superbowl?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I hope GSP KO's that panty waste worthless Penn right out of the chutes in the 1st round.

Arizona by 3 :)

I'm looking for GSP to win as well. I don't mind BJ, but he can rub you the wrong way.

I'm gonna eat 2 packages of little smokies slow cooked in some BBQ in the crock pot. Then I'm gonna see how much 7-layer dip I can go through. Gotta through is some sodas as well. Maybe some queso too, who knows. Gonna be a good game. I'm hoping the Cardinals pull it off. Cards 35 Pitt 24
LAST EDITED ON Jan-31-09 AT 05:56PM (MST)[p]These two are the best of the best. Hands Down.

Penn is the better striker and St. Pierre is the better athlete. The first time they fought it was very close and somewhat boring. Alot of people say Penn was robbed and I would have to agree. I thought the first fight very easily could have been called a draw.

It's a coin flip for me. I like both fighters. I like St. Pierre's athleticism and personality. I like Penn's arrogance and natural talent.

Meatballs, Poppers,Tex Mex Dip, and Budweisers for tonight and for the Super Bowl.

I haven't watched any of the pre fight mumbo jumbo. I'm guessing St. Pierre is the favorite.
I'm leaving for the Henry mts in an hour so I guess I will miss both the fight and the fooze ball. GO GSP! Who is playing in the super bowl?
I'll probaly have a beer and some jerky after the first brown horn is found. :)

"I needed a cheesy signature saying like everyone else"
I gotta be honest. I reallly don't care for either but all things being equal if they were both on the tv at the same time I'd rather watch fights. I used to have more interest in sports but over the years I've really become jaded and come to the conclusion most of the players are a bunch of over paid no class nit wits. Now before everyone has a coronary I said most not all. If only there were more John Stockton's in the world I would probably still have interest in sports.

To tell you the truth 1-911 me and my 85 year old mom was having the same conversation today.

Since Malone, Stockton & Hornachek left it just ain't the same. Plus Larry Miller just had both legs amputated. Jeezus.

I also liked John Stockton.

But he was considered one of the dirtiest players in the NBA.
My moneys on GSP! I've been looking forward to this fight for a long time.
This is a great card and it's going to be an exciting night.
The other fight that I'm betting on is Guida vs Diaz.....
Go Guida! Those Diaz boys have bad attitudes.
I don't know much about Kim but I hope he kicks Karo Parisyans a$$!
Good call Andy - only one round off.

GSP looked freaking tough! Call the first round a draw for BJ's good takedown defense and Georges' agressiveness - some good striking too - but after that, GSP worked him for 3 solid rounds! Not even close on the cards! I loved his explanation of his strategy too - some good thinking went in to that!

How about Machida - looked like a wrecking machine! Thiago Silva is one of my favs too - but Machida convinced me.

Fun night - went to a buddy's house - had Chicken Chulupas w/beans and rice and a bunch of Diet Dr. Pepper!

Yes - a much much better party than for the Superbowl, though we are having sirloins tonight.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
What an a$$ whooping Penn got.....wow!!
I could see "humble" in his eyes when he went down like a school boy in a playground dog fight between two bullies!!
I LOVED it!!

Nice to see Clay Guida step up and put the Diaz boys in their place. Those two, Nick and Nate, are THUGS!! It's a great fight night anytime the Diaz's gets beat. AND....how in the hell did one of the judges give Diaz 29-28? Guida clearly won all three rounds!!

Jon Jones looked good....although Bonnar is not what he used to be.

GSP....I love to see Penn get beat too. I can't wait for KenFlo to whoop his ass next. GSP sent a message to Penn....he stated, "Come up to my weight division? Eat this elbow, Mr. Penn!!"

Steelers 23
Cardinals 17

I made a bet last night that Warner will not throw for more than 300 yards. Steeler DB's are gonna be flying all over the place!!

I loved watching that trash talking POS BJ Penn get ground and pounded!

Penn said all that crap about how he would not stop and that he was willing to fight to the death and said GSP was the quitter???

Jon Fitch took twice the beating from GSP than Penn did and he didn't quit. Penn is such a sore loser too.

Steelers 35
Cardinals 13


How sweet was that, GSP took BJ behind the wood shed! Run your mouth a little more

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