UFC last night


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LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-08 AT 04:13PM (MST)[p]Anyone else watch the fights? The fight with the running Canuk was pretty funny. I loved the rocky 4 quote in the interview. GSP looks invincible, who can stop him? I am excited for the Jardine Wandi fight!

Edit; Here is the condensed version of the "running man" fight, I love the music.


That's the exact reason I'll never pay to see the UFC again. The last two I ordered on pay-per-view were a complete waste of time and money!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-08 AT 06:38PM (MST)[p]Yeah... that fight made me laugh especially when Quarry did his running man impression at the end.
Over all I thought it was a great night of fights, I knew the GSP/Serra fight was going to be the biggest hyped mis match ever but....I sure enjoyed it!
Forman, I love UFC pay per views. I hope to never miss a card. I wish they were more frequent. Every 4 weeks would be fine with me. Heck, I consider the 40.00 cheap entertainment for a Saturday night.
Now...,to be there in person at 800.00 a ticket seems a bit out of line.
I loved the card. It was great to see Rish Franklin get a win. Travis Lutter is nothing but a waste of time. He didn't make weight against Silva and mouths off how he dominated him the whole fight right up to the point where Silva submits him. He gassed out against Rich too.I think that once his contract is up with the UFC(Ultimate Fighter Winner)they will cut ties with him , he is nothing more than a tomatoe can....

GSP looked incredible!!! He seems to get better and loosing to Serra the first time may have re-ignited a firestorm. He now has domianted both Hughes and Serra and still is about as classy of a guy a fighter can be.That fight was worth the $44.00 alone....And whats up with raising the damned price of PPV anyhow.At $39.00 they were still doing just fine , jerks....
I agree...it was a good card. I had the fights at my house as usual and I bet a few guys that GSP would win. Made enough to pay for the fight which was good. It was nice to see Serra take his ass whooping with style. He was gracious in defeat as was GSP at the last fight.

Travis Lutter/Rich Franklin fight wasn't all that great. I don't want to hear excuses from Lutter. He supposedly is one of the top submission guys and had Franklins arm and couldn't finish it.

Nate Quarry/Kalib Starnes....too funny how Quarry puts his hand over his face and his other arm through it and runs around the ring after Starnes. That was a weak fight and I was very disappointed with Starnes.

Looking forward to Sean Sherk and BJ Penn. That will be a great fight!! Muscle and skill against flexibility and skill.

GSP looked pretty darn good. I was hoping for a little more standup, but it was apparent that GSP wanted no part of Serra's standup. I still think he can outstrike Serra however.

Lutter and Starnes can kiss their UFC careers goodbye. To bad, I think they both have talent.

Penn will beat Sherk in my opinion. I think Penn matches up well with Sherk like he matches up well with Hughes. Sherks style is similar to Hughes'. Penn is the most gifted fighter in MMA. I really enjoy watching him.

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