UFC 96


Long Time Member
Overall a pretty good card....Figured Rampage would beat Jardine but I really don't think he deserves a title shot before Machida. I believe you gotto give a shot to those top contenders that haven't had their shot yet that deserve it. I don't think theres any question that Machida deserves it and would have a good shot at beating Evans.

The Gonzaga-Carwin fight went the way I figured. Carwin looked good but was a little disappointed it didn't go into at least the 2nd round. I figured Gonzaga would have been able to stay away from Carwins power for at least a round. Gonzaga looked good for the first minute or so until Carwin caught him.

Gray Maynard.....did what he does.

Tamdan McRory.....when he put the glasses on I cracked up!! Sinus infection?? This dude had to have been picked on as a kid! I like his tenacity and enthusiam.

Brandon Vera- I didn't know he dropped weight classes and when he cam out I thought he had leukemia or something. Very impressive though against a pretty average competitor. Fantastic leg kicks.

Pretty good fights. There were some good KO's.

I could have done without the trash talking between Jackson and Evans at the end. Too much like WWF.


I wasn't at all impressed with the card and the fights just lacked for me, the match ups or something. We were over at a friends and they had a great get together with some awesome food and all so I had a good time , just wanted more , but isn't it always like that....I missed something , but did they mention something about Matt Hughes and Sera???
Hughes and Serra will finally meet I think in June. It's too bad that it is happening when they are both on the downward slide out of the sport. Why couldn't they do this 4 years ago when they were both still extremely good fighters at the top of their game?

On the trash talking of Evans and Rashad....I didn't like that either. Totally WWF....WWE....or whatever it is now. And what Kendall Grove did after KO'ing Jason Day was uncalled for. Digging a grave and pulling the body in it then covering it back up was almost as bad as BJ Penn licking the blood off of his gloves. Most of the guys in UFC are classy guys but you get the few that are just jack asses and you can't hope to see them lose the next time they are in the octogon.

What did Mark Hamill say?? HaHa....just kidding! I really like the story behind him. AND to think he almost beat Bisbing. When's Bisbing gonna get a title shot. I think he deserves it.

> AND to think he almost beat Bisbing.

He beat Bisping for 8:50 of the fight. The judges only watched last 10 seconds. Best hometown cookin I ever saw
LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-09 AT 02:00PM (MST)[p]Bull n Rut- I thought that Hamill beat Bisbing as well when the decision came down. As soon as it came out on DVD, I watched it again and looking back, it probably was the right decision to give the fight to Bisbing. It was the slightest of slight victories I've ever seen in UFC. It really could have gone either way.

Thanks for that info on Hughes/Sera. I agree with most of your words but Hamill flat out beat Bisbing and it was very much some home cooking. Hamill is so driven I love when he gets on the tv cards. Bisbing is ok too , but I wished they would put them back in the octagon one more time.
And I have to say I have never gone for Rashard Evans , but I will be backing him when he enters the octogon against Rampage , I hope he takes him to the wood shed and punishes him right!
I only watched it the one time on the pay per view. I will admit I am a little biased cause I really cant stand Bisping, which Bis is a good fighter, but I thought that kid fought his heart out and got robbed. I would put money on it that if that fight occured in the states, Hamill is your winner. Just my opinion of course.
Rampage broke his hand in the Jardine fight. Evans will now be facing Lyoto Machida in april.

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
That will be a good fight - I am glad - Machida deserved a change the way he buzzed through Tiago Alves. He is tough!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Rashad Evans is in trouble in this fight. Machida is so elusive and can strike rapidly as seen against Alves. Machida obviously doesn't have the PR saavy or the draw that Rampage has (at least to those that really don't know the sport). Does anyone else think that Machida kinda looks like John Juanda (poker player)? Just curious. Evans will have to take a direct approach and almost charge Machida if he plans to strike with him. Machida will not brawl with Rashad so the stand up is almost a mute point. On the ground, Machida is excellent and has a great chance to submit Rashad. I'm just thinking out loud. I see no way for Evans to win this fight except if he is able to connect with one huge punch the way he did against Chuck. What do you think?

I think you have your Thiago's mixed up, wasn't it Thiago Silva who Machida fought. Thiago Alves is the Middle weight who needs to fight GSP. The Silva's are another name that is hard to keep straight..
Ya, you're right. Alves is the humongous looking Thiago with no hair! Thiago Silva was the undefeated Thiago that Machida knocked out. Good eye, good eye...


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