UFC 92!!!!


Very Active Member
Finally, a GREAT card. I am the most excited for wandi and rampage part 3. The first 2 fights were brutal. I hope Nog wins as well, this season of ultimate fighter really made me like him a lot mre than Mir. Sorry to say I think Forrest should run, run Forrest!


I'll be having the fight at my house...as usual. I agree...run Forrest!! He's a tough SOB but Rashad is just too good. May go into the later rounds just because it's Forrest.

I'm hoping Mir beats Noguera for the simple fact that I'd like to see him whoop Lesnar again. I'm sure this time around, it will be a better fight.

Wandi and Rampage....don't really like either one. Don't really care who wins.

Antoni Hardonk.....always like to see him fight. The dude's got some vicious kicks. I'd like to see him win more in the UFC.

I watched the WEC for the first time a couple of weeks ago and I really didn't care for it. It seemed like the octagon was smaller and only lightweights fought. Just my two cents.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-08 AT 10:57PM (MST)[p]I'm go to go with...
Forest-too big, tough and experenced for Evans.
Nogueira-Mir isn't even in his league.
Rampage-Third times a charm, I think he has been dealing with alot of adversity, he's focused and has something to prove.
I'm so STOKED, I'll be there!!!
Thank you, Mrs Santa Claus
Forrest Griffin is too experienced for Evans? I believe Evans has more fights under his belt than Griffin. Rashad Evans has never lost either. Maybe that will give Forrest some incentive. It's all in how you look at it.

My bad...I just checked the fight count and Forrest does have a couple more fights than Evans.

Should be a great fight night for sure.
I like all the fighters on this card.
I hope Nog wins just because I have a ton of
respect for him,very hunble, respectful guy
that has done battle with the best in the world.
Hope forrest wins, he has alot of hart and seems like a real
good guy.
Rampage and Silva, I don't care who wins I just want
to see another great fight between these two,there is no love lost between these two, Silva said he would fight Rampage for free because he just doesn't like him.
best card of the year, lots of great fights. I'd like to see cocky Rashad get his @ss kicked but i don't think it'll happen
LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-08 AT 06:33PM (MST)[p]Aside from the obvious I am really excited about seeing Pat Berrys first fight in the UFC, he is a world class striker but is fairly short for a heavyweight. I've wanted to see him in the UFC for a while. His kicks are simply devastating

As for Wanderlei and Rampage, I like them both and don't really care who wins as long as it's a good fight. I have a funny story about rampage I'll tell another time, we were at the Fight Magazine pre fight party at the Leopard Lounge in Atlanta and he was hilarious! I'll tell that story sometime

Stay classy Utah!
i dont think mir will be able to take lesner again (if he beats nog). i dont like lesner, but he is getting better with each fight. the guy is just too damn big!! if he gets to be half as good of a mma fighter as some of the average heavyweights...look out! hey what ever happened to the vlad the pittbull? i know it was a contract dispute and thats why he left ufc, but is he fighting anywhere else? that guy was a badass!!
> hey what ever
>happened to the vlad the
>pittbull? i know it was
>a contract dispute and thats
>why he left ufc, but
>is he fighting anywhere else?
>that guy was a badass!!

I assume you asking about Andre Arlovski, he is fighting in Affliction and is going to be fighting Fedor next month.

Stay classy Utah!
bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers ready
salsa ready
gucamole ready
tacos about ready
beer is cold
family is all here

Ready for a great card and I sure hope Forrest knocks the snot out of sugar rashard!
Soooo......Arlovski's gonna get his ass whooped??!! One and a half hours 'til fight time.....I can't wait. Gonna crown a new champion tonight.

I enjoyed all the fights that aired tonight. It seemed that Rampage "caught" Silva with a great punch. If you noticed a lot of Rampages punches were haymakers where his head was down and he was not really looking where he was punching. He looked a bit out of sorts for the first few minutes of the fight. Did anyone else notice that?

Stoked on the Mir fight. He dominated in a way I didn't expect. Nogueira had nothing to offer to make the fight competitive before Mir finished it.

Rashad--gave up the first two rounds but figured out Forrest in the third. What a great fight. Gotto give props to Forrest for being such a good guy in defeat.

Working on sobering up now!!!!

Even know Forest lost ,that was the best 55.00 dollars we spent in a long time. Great night of fights .
I lost a ton of respect for Rashad when he pulled his "kiss my nuts" move on Forest in the 2nd round. What a D. bag. I am pissed I wanted Forest to rock his world. I was counting on Silva to beat Rampage too but Rampage got lucky and caught Silva. The Mir Lesner fight #2 will be good. Anyhow Rashad needs to get his AZZ kicked for his BS move.
Just my 2 cents
I think Forrest had doubts going into the fight that hurt him.....just listening to his pre fight interviews.

Mir looked good!!! I didnt think he would win. I hope he pounds Lesner, though I doubt it will happen.

Rampage looked good too, I thought his boxing looked good. He knew Silva was having a hard time with it (which surprised me). Only fight I got right was the Forest/Rashad fight.

Hope Forrest comes back strong.

Is that ethical?
I don't think I got any of the fights correct all night. I suck!!! I did mention to those watching with me that Forrest's guard was very lazy or tired. I didn't see him hurt although at the end of I think round 2, it looked like Rashad connected hard with a leg kick. Forrest gave him too much room to move in his guard and drop those bombs. Pretty interesting considering Forrest has a really good guard. Mir looked really good!!!
rashad is a 1st class dirtbag! mir/lesner 2 unfortunately is going to go to lesner...dude is just too big. i want to see rashad and chuck go at it again. dont think he'll catch chuck like that again. did i mention rashad is a 1st class dirtbag!!
Deepforks- I'm sensing a little animosity towards Rashad Evans. Do you think he is a stand-up, respectful guy? HaHa!!!

Rashad might be a D-bag but he is fast as hell and athletic, he's going to give anybody who fights him big problems. I didnt care for the kiss my nuts gesture but he is still a good fighter plus I won about a $100 on the fight being the only one who picked Rashad to win.

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