UFC 75... FREE

  • Thread starter timberline_shedfreak24
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Hey whats up UFC fans, just wanted to see who you guys think is gonna win this weekend? I would never bet against Rampage, and I dont think he will lose again, not even to the "oh so godly" Chuck Liddel. Also I just wanted to know who your guys's favorite fighter is. Mine is Anderson Silva but I also like Tito, Mike Swick and Cro Cop. Anyways lets see what you guys have to say. Peace!

If you bet on Rampage this weekend I hope your prepared to go home with a lighter wallet. Dan Henderson is no joke! Matchup wise this is not a great fight for Rampage. Anything could happen but if your betting law of averages your money needs to be on Hendo.


I'm in for it. I'm curious about Henderson , I'm sure he will be great to watch. I'm more looking forward to seeing CroCop make a come back , I'm thinking he is gonna destroy people even worse now....
2 out of 3 ain't bad! Replace Bisbing with Hamill and you are set!

LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-07 AT 04:47PM (MST)[p]I think Dan Henderson is gonna beat Rampage.

Bisbing is for real. I don't see Hamill posing much of a threat.

Favorite Fighters: Chuck Liddell and George St. Pierre.

Least Favorite Fighters: Tito Ortiz and Diego Sanchez
>2 out of 3 ain't bad!
> Replace Bisbing with Hamill
>and you are set!

Wanna bet?
Seems Chuckar and Rut crazed both like Bisbing over Hamill... I actually like Bisbing as well, but I just do not see Hamill standing up with him. I absolutly do not see Bisbing being able to stop Hamill from taking him to the ground.
I see Hamill winning a boring ground and pound decision over a frustrated Bisbing. I think Bisbing is slick enough that hamil will not be able to submit him.
The fights were all good, I am not going to give anything away but all in all it was a good card.


I agree , Bisbee is crazy to think he won , Hamill controlled, but he also gased pretty hard in the third. Rampage won , he was just a bit better tonight , although Henderson brings so much more to the UFC. Cro Cop looked real bad , Kong just took his heart out . All in all a pretty decent card but wasn't the same, great to have it for free after buying one every month out of the year, but I think I look forward to them more when I order them...Who's next for Rampage????
>Hamill got ROBBED :(
>Other then that, GREAT FIGHTS!

>Later, Brandon

I agree with that. I thought Hamill won.


Proverbs 3:5-6
This is the first time I felt like the coruption of boxing may have reared it's ugly head. Hamill one that fight no question. I like both fighters, but I think Bisbing may bring more $$$ and they are paving his way a bit.

First time I have been shocked at a decision. Still love the UFC, but that was disapointing.
I agree! No way did Bisbing win that fight and then he goes and gets cocky about being the ultimate fighter. What a laugh I hope he feels ashamed of what happened after he sees the replay. I am a Hamill fan so maybe I am a little bit biased. But from what I saw I don't know how they came up with that outcome!

Cro Cop looks really shakey I think he has more mental strengths to work on. He is too reserved and doesn't take the fight to whoever he is fighting.

Hendo is a stud!!!!! I really thought he was going to take it but it wasn't his night I guess. I think he let Rampage back into the game and Rampage got confident and took it away. The first round you could really see Rampage was a little worried.

All in all great free fights!!!!!
Have to disagree with you guys on the Hamill decision. He owned the first round, but I felt that he was dominated for the rest of the fight. I wanted him to win, but I was screaming "Take him down!" the whole fight. He should have finished it after he rocked Bisbing in the first round. The rest of the fight was all Bisbing landing punches while Hamill covered and threw the occasional haymaker. Ground game was pathetic on both sides so the judges had to go off of the stand-up, where Bisbing was better besides the first round. Hamill needed to fight a complete fight to win, not just land a couple good strikes in the first.


Rampage will lose again and it could be quite soon. With UFC signing Wandy and Shogun these are two guys that absolutely destroyed Rampage in every way. Wandy did it twice and Shogun did it once. No decisions on any of those fights...complete ownage. Shogun is up to fight Forrest in two weeks. He just got married two weeks ago so I hope this does not interfere with his training and mental preparation. Shogun is the most entertaining fighter in any weight class...unfortunately the UFC won't allow his infamous soccer kicks that Chute Boxe is known for.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-07 AT 10:35AM (MST)[p]Man do I know how to pick them or what! I absolutely nailed this one, picking all 3 losers is quite an accomplishment....
I do think Hamill won, but not by much and you gotta kind of "count" on a little home field advantage.
cro cop sucked. I think his one sided game was exposed pretty well. Can you imagine how bad Couture would have made him look!
there's always next time..
LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-07 AT 02:41PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-07 AT 01:47 PM (MST)

>Rampage will lose again and it
>could be quite soon.
>With UFC signing Wandy and
>Shogun these are two guys
>that absolutely destroyed Rampage in
>every way. Wandy did
>it twice and Shogun did
>it once. No decisions
>on any of those fights...complete
>ownage. Shogun is up
>to fight Forrest in two
>weeks. He just got
>married two weeks ago so
>I hope this does not
>interfere with his training and
>mental preparation. Shogun is
>the most entertaining fighter in
>any weight class...unfortunately the UFC
>won't allow his infamous soccer
>kicks that Chute Boxe is
>known for.

It would be cool to see Shogun bust some more ribs on jackson, maybe humble him a bit. It will be interesting to see how Rua adapts to the UFC.

PS I just watched the Wandy v Jackson fight again where silva feeds him about a dozen knees and then talks to him as he walks him across the ring before finishing it. I don't know what he said, but it was probably the best trash-talk ever.



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