UFC 74 tonight


Very Active Member
Any one think Capt. America is going to keep his heavyweight title tonight ? I sure hope so put he's got his work cut out for him for sure.

GSP is on the comeback trail tonight, should be a good night.
I think Coutre wins in a close battle. I think GSP is in trouble. Looking forward to tonight.

PLEASE gsp, knock out that errogant A-hole. I hate KOS...

I hope Randy wins, but that would be a miracle in my mind. Not that him beating "the maniac" wasn't.


Later, Brandon
Yea, I really want to see Randy win and he might but at 44 who knows. Although he is in fantastic fighting shape, in this sport sooner or later someone comes along and slams the champs door shut for good.
Damn good fights all of them.

GSP showed that he was on the come back, dominated through it all, and almost had the submision at the end too, if the clock hadn't run out.

Randy did his show with style, true champion and true competitor, love watching his fights.


When in doubt, floor it.

Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" until you find a big stick.
Alot of good fights, GSP impressed my on how he dominated his fight. Randy worked Gonzaga bigtime. I thought Joe Stevenson looked very good as well.

Man, Randy impresses the hell out of me.
After watching GSP I think one of the Matts
are going to have their hands full when they
meet again. GSP sure looked focused, he wants his
belt back in a bad way.
Forgot to mention Heurta, that guy was the best fighter pound for pound last night.

GSP and Randy looked great...Huerta was pretty dominating, Alberto Crane is my wifes cousin so we were all hopeing for a great fight , he just ran out of gas....My whole house cleared out after that fight , so just me , my wife and 15 year old daughter watched the main events....Great card all together , just wished Alberto could have done better....

LAST EDITED ON Aug-26-07 AT 11:57AM (MST)[p]Missed the fights. Had to work this weekend.

Glad to hear St. Pierre is back on track. When he is 100% both mentally and physically, he is an incredible talent.

I hope to see St. Pierre get a rematch with Serra. We have already seen him destroy Matt Hughes. I want to see the "Real" St. Pierre fight Serra. The first time they fought St. Pierre was not himself.
glad to hear GSP won, I hate Koscheck, and I know the fighter who handed him his only other fight, Drew Fickett! And Randy is just flat out the man, he is a bad ass SOB!
>Forgot to mention Heurta, that guy
>was the best fighter pound
>for pound last night.

Definatly an amazing fighter, the highlight was definatly when he used the big screen display to start dropping elbows behind him... thats a smart boy.


When in doubt, floor it.

Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" until you find a big stick.

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