UFC 111


Active Member
Just curious what everyone thought. I don't even know if there's any MMA fans on here. Here's my take

#1. GSP said that he was disappointed in his performance. I understand that he wants to give the crowd a good show, but he 100% dominated for 25 minutes and never faced any danger. I wouldn't be disappointed. Well done, now just add some weight and go beat Anderson Silva. I would never put myself in danger of losing a fight just to make it exciting. You develop a good game plan and fight the fight where you have the best chance of winning, and that's what GSP continues to do, and that's why he is THE BEST POUND FOR POUND FIGHTER IN THE WORLD. IMO
Props to hardy for not tapping, but your health and your arm should be a higher priority than just not tapping.

#2. I thought Frank Mir was going to have the better chance to beat Brock Lesnar in the long run, but wow, I must say that Shane Carwin is a beast! I look forward to that fight, even though I'm not sure how he can handle Brocks quickness. Oh, and Mir, what the hell were you even doing in the cage. You made no contribution to the fight at all. You got smoked and from what I saw, you deserved everything you got. You're a stud Carwin.

#3. I was bugged that people were booing John Fitch who once again dominated the entire fight and did some great ground and pound. Just because they aren't exchanging punches like Rocky and Apollo Creed doesn't mean that they deserve to be booed. It's called MMA for a reason and not all of MMA means standing up and banging. I am impressed with Fitch as always, and thought he fought a good fight.
I always watch and was pleased with the outcome of this fight.
GSP is boring to watch, but he is very efficient, total domination of Hardy, just wish he coulda finished him and shut him up. What's up with the brits and their loud mouths? They should put Hardy and Bisping in a fight together.

Mir simply didn't show up, looked alot like his fight with Lesnar. I like Mir alot, want to see him pummel Brock, but he's gonna have to wait till Carwin does. I hope Carwin puts a beat down on Lesnar.
I was surprised that Carwin handled Mir so easily, I really like Mir too, nothing against Carwin, I just wanted to see Mir get a chance to beat down Lesnar. Hopefully Carwin will beat Lesnar as easy as he did Mir.

I was disappointed in the GSP fight. His game plan was effective but boring to watch. If he wants to be considered the best of all time he need to be willing to strike with strikers and not play safe all the time and just neutralize his opponent. Aside from the two submission attempts Hardy didn't receive any damage.
We couldn't believe the crowd. Flippin New Jersey aholes. It amazes me to hear people booo at these guys who are giving everything they got to win the fight. I've seen piss-poor fights that deserve a booo, but I didn't see one on 111. Just because it isn't a stand-up blood bath...WTH.

I personally liked GSPs game. He tried many different submissions, just couldn't get any done. I felt like he was brushing up on his game and trying something new, just for the fun of it. I think it is the technical/disciplined aspect of GSPs game that I appreciate the most. And I agree Hardy should have tapped or that could have been his career. At least Hardy was humble after the fight, which was a surprise to me.

Carwin is crazy. You can see it in his eyes. Personally I can't stand Mir, but that's what makes it fun to watch. Carwin is so focused and I think he is the only guy I've ever really believed when he says, "I want to hurt him." Carwin will eat Lesner in the ring.

112 should be lots of fun.

I enjoyed the fights as I always do. GSP did not deliver the beat down that I haad hoped for but I did enjoy watching the domination he put on. He is the best pound per pound fighter in UFC. I hope he goes up and whips Siva. Carwin looked awesome. That guy has some freakin power behind those punches. I hope he K.O.'s Lesnar.
I have been a huge UFC fan since I caught the first one on PPV for 20 bucks in 93. GSP did what he had to do and came away with one more W... J Fitch is an awesome fighter, one of the best, glad he won. As far as Anderson Silva goes I don't see anyone giving him any trouble until Jon "Bones" Jones gets a shot at him.
I thoroughly enjoyed all the fights - including GSP. Some may call in boring - but he totally dominated Hardy. Where does it say that a fighter has to "inflict damage" to be considered dominant? There was not one point in the fight in which Hardy even had a semblance of control. Credit him however for doing just enough to keep his face from being bashed in like you all would have liked and for having Gumby arms that kept his ligaments from getting snapped like matchsticks. GSP was disappointed in the same sense that you are however, becuase he didn't make Hardy bleed enough, knock him out or tap. He shouldn't have been however as that was one of the most technically sound fights you will ever see, he just didn't want to see it go to the judges. Hardy is not in the same class as GSP - but is just good enough to survive, so that is why you didn't enjoy that fight as much as you thought you would.

Carwin is for real. Lesnar and Carwin will be epic. I predict Brock will try and do the same to him as he did to Mir - take him down and work him on the ground, and that is why it will be so great. Carwin is in many respects, every bit the great wrestler that Lesnar is, I think Lesnar is more explosive however and should be able to keep him on the ground and pass guard. Carwin's best hope is to keep it a stand-up punch fest.

What did you all think of Lesnar's WWE theatrics about the belt at the end of the fight?? Come on Dana!! Keep it REAL.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>What did you all think of
>Lesnar's WWE theatrics about the
>belt at the end of
>the fight?? Come on Dana!!
>Keep it REAL.

I can do without that nonsense. Dana should have known better than to bring that POS Lesnar in the ring after the fight! That was Carwins moment and for Lesnar to take anything away from him after he had just won the biggest fight of his career was just wrong. Most guys (aside from R.Evans & R.Jackson) have been respectful in that situation.

I don't want you guys to think I just wanted to see Hardy bloody and battered, thats not it, to me it was just a boring fight. Aside from the two submission attempts, and the take downs, I didn't think it was that technical, after the fight was on the ground it was just boring. & if GSP is so confident is his striking why not stand up? I was actually pulling for Hardy! I know he is a weirdo but I think GSP has spent enough time at the top.
>if GSP is so confident
>is his striking why not
>stand up?

come on he got knocked out by Matt Sera. he is not going to bang with a striker. which is a smart move. but makes for a boring fight.

I also dont like GSP because he's a frenchy!


Nets are for fish!!
>>if GSP is so confident
>>is his striking why not
>>stand up?
>come on he got knocked out
>by Matt Sera. he is
>not going to bang with
>a striker. which is a
>smart move. but makes for
>a boring fight.
>I also dont like GSP because
>he's a frenchy!

>Nets are for fish!!

a frenchy againts a britt...... to bad they both couldn't lose. i like GSP untill i have to hear him talk. then i wish matt hughs was still a little youger:)
it would be awesome to see them knock each other out. ya I cant root for a brit or a frenchy either. absolutely loved it when Hendo shut bisbing's mouth up.

cant wait for rampage to shut sugar rashad's


Nets are for fish!!
I did not think GSP's fight was boring. It could have been more exciting but definitely not boring. It was a very technically sound fight for him and he will keep winning because noone can stop those takedowns. I admit I did want to see Hardy get his face messed up a bit. I really wanted GSP to K.O. him by standing with him, and for what its worth I think GSP beat him in the short amount of time that they did spend on their feet.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-29-10 AT 10:44PM (MST)[p]Come on Scott, how could you not like GSP? Nobody has been that dominant ever. I honestly think that he could have stood up with hardy just fine, but I don't blame him for not doing it. Serra got lucky and hit him with a shot behind the ear. It was one in a million, and it won't happen again to GSP. We all witnessed the brutilization of the second GSP Serra fight. That's exactly what shoud've happened the first fight. I know he will never underestimate another opponent again. I really think he can beat Anderson too. Anderson could out strike him, but he cannot defend GSP's take downs, and will get beat on the ground. IMO

ANderson will probably never fight Jon Jones because they don't fight the same weight class. Anderson is middleweight champ, Jon Jones is light heavy. Silva does come up to fight often, but I doubt they will fight until atleast one of them holds a title at light heavy
Not too sure why Mir was not trying to get off the fence after taking 5 or 6 right hands from Carwin in the very beginning of the fight. It looks to me that Mir doesn;t fight with too much passion. I understand he wants to remain composed and keep his emotions in check but he almost seemed comotosed being pressed against the fence. He beats Nog, Chiek Kongo with great strikes and then lets Carwin totally control him? WTF? I really like Mir...he's one of the more educated MMA fighters and respects the sport and his opponents. My outlook on him is changing though. It's like he doesn't want to put forth the effort in the cage to get out of bad spots.

Carwin is for real. That dude has some brute strength. Definately uncalled for to have Lensar come into the octagon after the fight. It's not the frickin WWF, for Gods sake!

Gonna watch Florian take care of business on Wednesday!

Mir completely underestimated Carwin. He has been talking smack about Brock for months, and finally someone says, what about Carwin-are you looking past him? Then he goes on about how dangerous Carwin is, blah blah/hype the fight/ blah. Mir with his enormous ego, never imagined getting stomped by Shane.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
So we had a bunch of guys at my buddy's house watching the fights, one guy was new and pretty quiet the whole time, then when GSP is cranking that armbar he says in a perfect french accent " Say you like crepes...say it"....it was awesome.

Carwin is for real, I think he is the only guy who has a real chance to stop Lesnar (besides Fedor)

I actually wanted to see Hardy win, but he looked SOOO slow compared to GSP, great fight.


why do you think Gsp can take silva down and Hendo couldnt do it.
I think if Hendo couldnt do it GSP wont have a chance.

I would love to see that fight.

Gsp beat up one of my all time favorits Matt H and he is french so it makes it hard to root for the guy.


Nets are for fish!!
Hendo did take Silva down.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
he did take him down but he didnt do that much damage when he got him down. Dan is a way larger fighter then

so even if GSp can get him down I think Silva will just roll him over.


Nets are for fish!!
If GSP goes up to fight Silva...it will be Penn-St. Pierre all over again. Silva is too good at that weight to be stopped.

I want to see Dos Santos fight Cain Velasquez.

I have always been a Carwin fan, dude has ridiculous strength in his punches. With that being said, Lesnar is stronger, faster and a better wrestler. When Lesnar got in the cage did you guys see how much visibly larger he is than Carwin? I think it will be an awesome heavywieght matchup, maybe the best the UFC has offerend in a long time. I think Carwin has a punchers chance but on paper Lesnar is better.

GSP and Silva will never happen, Silva is way too big for it to ever really be a fair fight. Silva walks around as much as 220 and said he even plans to take heavywieght fights one day. While both are obviously the best two fighters in the UFC, it's most likely never going to happen. The UFC would just discredit GSP by having Silva destroy him, and I say that with much respect, I like GSP but Silva is a giant compared to him.
GSP would have nothing to lose if he moved up to fight Silva. Silva has everything to lose. When Penn got his butt whooped by GSP, it was expected. Said he'd never quit...what does he do, he throws in the towel. I don't think GSP would need to ever throw in the towel against Silva as Silva doesn't really fight like he used to. His fights have become a bit boring becuase he wants to take the fight into the later rounds. GSP can't strike with Silva and he can't beat Silva on the ground. Even if GSP were able to get him to the ground, I think Silva would submit him. Don't get me wrong, GSP is a great fighter...just in his weight division.

What do you think would have happened if GSP dropped weight to fight Penn in the lightweight division? Just curious.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-10 AT 10:51AM (MST)[p]Yeah, GSP could never go down to lightweight. I know this is going to upset you scott, but I think GSP could out wrestle Hendo any day. Don't get me wrong, I really like Dan Henderson, but who was the last person he completely dominated on the ground. Dan Henderson at one time was a great wrestler, but in all the research I did, Dan Henderson hasn't had a major accomplishment in wrestling since 1996. That's almost fifteen years. GSP was going to wrestle on the olympic team this year. He continues to make great wrestlers look like they've never wrestled before. John Fitch is captain of Purdue's wrestling team, and he got dominated on the ground for 25 minutes. Koscheck got dominated as well on the ground. Definately like dan henderson though. Anyone who could knock Bisping out like that is among the top on my list.
I really think GSP could take Silva down, and take him on the ground. Silva does walk around very heavy that's for sure, but so does GSP. I think I heard he walks around at 210 or so, and I know he's been trying to gain mass and continue to get bigger. It's starting to get hard for him to cut to 170 and when it gets to be too hard, I think he'll more up to 185. I know this is all opinion, and noone can say for sure until they actually fight (if they ever do), but that's just what I think.
I agree with you. I think GSP could take Silva down. The question is, can he do it for 5 rounds, and keep him down??? I don't think so. I think somewhere in between, Silva would catch him and it would be over. If it happens, I'll be rooting for GSP, but I can't see him winning a 5 round fight with Anderson.

"The value of any trophy from the field depends not on its size but on the magnitude of the effort expended in its pursuit." ~ Aldo Leopold
I would have to go with silva I just like how brutal he is.
it would be a great fight!

As for Dan he is one cool cat. I met him in the airport one day and he was cool to talk MMA with. I even got my picture taken with him. Ever since that day my daughters love to watch any of the fight nights especially if Dan is in them.


Nets are for fish!!
henderson is awsome. by far my favorite moment in UFC history was when he knocked the sh!t out of that britt bisping. i never thought some would be able to completly shut his mouth. i just started laughing thinking about the "flying fist"

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