U.S. Supreme Court Case


Long Time Member
It appears that the U.S. Supreme Court has decided to hear a case concerning the 2nd. ammendment. Washington D.C. had banned certain firearms within their district and homeowners had to keep long guns under lock and key or taken apart where they could not be used in a emergency for self defense.
The D.C. district court ruled that the Washington D.C. law on guns were in violation of a persons rights "to keep and bear arms" and stated they were of the opinion that these rights were for "Individual" rights, not a state militia as the anti gunners and a lot of Democrats claim.
Coming at a time as now, this can be a very important decision by the court if it upholds the decision made by the district court. I do not care what Dude believes, a congress controlled by Democrats and a Democrat president on top of that is the mix that is needed for numerous anti gun laws to be passed in the next 4 years. If the Court upholds the decision of the district court, this can throw a big monkey wrench into the wheels of the anti-gunners that are hoping to pass new gun laws under a Democrat president that will be very anti gun.
There was talk that the Supreme court would not hear the case, but I think they were persuaded by GOP officials to hear the case so the district court decision would be binding for the intire nation instead of just the D.C. area.
Dude as much as you hate Bush, just be glad that some of his court appointees will be hearing that case instead of a majority of liberal Democrate appointees. Your gun rights are hanging in the balance along with the rest of us. The NRA will be submitting briefs as a friend of the court and will be trying to get a decision that will favor our rights to keep and bear firearms.
This will be a hotly contested case and the anti-gunners will be pouring money into their lawyer coffers to defeat the district court decision. Now is the time to kick a little extra money to the NRA to help fight for our firearm rights and it will help our hunting rights by us not losing the right to have firearms. I will be sending donations to the NRA. they were the one that brought the original complaint against the Dist. of Washington D.C. and fought it to the district court and won a favorable decision that will now be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.

That's the biggest danger in electing a Democrat as president. The judges they appoint! Good post RELH!

Mr. Hatfield,

You are VERY correct about this decision.
I'm shocked they are going to hear it, but they
are. I think it will go our way, but who knows with
the United States Supreme Court.

If it does not, and they decide in favor of the District
of Columbia, it could set a terrible record for things to
come. Especially if a Democratic President took office.

I'm with you, I'm concerned about this one.

We all should be, but many will not.
Hmmmm! So how much outta your pocket are you going to pony up to defeat or pass this thing? Give us some impressive figures to work with here! I'm sure the NRA will spend every dollar of your hard earned money wisely. Give us an actual amount you intend to contribute!!!!

I'll send the NRA $100 for this. This is a slippery slope. To me it is as obvious as the nose on my face but a court gets to decide and thank god they lean slightly right.

The ONLY thing Bush has done right are his 2 supreme court appointments.

>Hmmmm! So how much outta your
>pocket are you going to
>pony up to defeat or
>pass this thing? Give us
>some impressive figures to work
>with here! I'm sure the
>NRA will spend every dollar
>of your hard earned money
>wisely. Give us an actual
>amount you intend to contribute!!!!


You weren't asking me but I chip in $100 on this. Seems like it's the right thing to do in this case.
Are you part McCoy by the way?


I don't give a flying flip if you send in
a dime.

I just want you to understand what this is all

This is the most serious issue that is addressed on
the MM website. Period Paragraph.

If we don't have the second amendment, all of the rest of
them are neither here nor there. It won't matter.

I think they will vote this the correct way.

Lord, I hope I'm correct.

Are you part McCoy by the way?

Yeah ... the real McCoy ... I guess!

Don't bother me ... I got these two BYU cheerleaders that require all of my attention.

>Are you part McCoy by the
>Yeah ... the real McCoy ...
>I guess!
>Don't bother me ... I got
>these two BYU cheerleaders that
>require all of my attention.

Need help?


The last time you were within 20 feet of
a BYU cheerleader you got that damned Restraining
Order against you.

Obviously, you're in violation, and will probably get your
probation revoked.

I bet in the Utah Prison System, You'd be a BYU Cheerleader.

I don't think you'd like what they do to you and your
Pom Pom's.

Am I reading your response wrong? You appear to not care about our rights concerning firearms. I hope I misread your response, but if I did'nt, it is because of firearm owners like you that we in CA. and few other states have had numerous bad gun laws shoved down our throats.
I also intend to send a min. of 100 bucks and will be paying for memberships in the NRA for two friends to get them started as a member in the hopes they will continue with it down the line. Now I ask, what are you going to do???

>Am I reading your response wrong?
>You appear to not care
>about our rights concerning firearms.
>I hope I misread your
>response, but if I did'nt,
>it is because of firearm
>owners like you that we
>in CA. and few other
>states have had numerous bad
>gun laws shoved down our
> I also
>intend to send a min.
>of 100 bucks and will
>be paying for memberships in
>the NRA for two friends
>to get them started as
>a member in the hopes
>they will continue with it
>down the line. Now I
>ask, what are you going
>to do???

A BIG +1 right here.
I will contribute to the NRA till it hurts!!
This case IS the most important to be heard by the Supreme Court in my lifetime!
I beg all of you to do what you can!!
Rus just feels that his money would be better spent by another institution.

I can't blame him - most of the activits groups really only use their money to support themselves. However, we need to rally for this one!

A really cool thing happened at Texas State University today. A group of students lead a protest against the prohibition of firearms on campus! Got a lot of press! Good for them! Currently Utah is the only state that allows firearms to be carried on the campus of any public higher education facility.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

Thank you for your input, but Rus needs to answer after posting his remarks that appeared to be blatant and facetious concerning our constitutional rights.


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