U. S. Benchmarks


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-07 AT 06:05PM (MST)[p]Since our beloved congress is so good at setting benchmarks I thought maybe they would like to try to meet some. As the author of this post I am setting a six month deadline, maybe three if someone makes me angry.

1. Secure our borders. Do I really need to explain this one?

2. Immediately start sending back illeagal alien felons. Then follow up with the rest. We do have laws against illegal immigration.

3. Stop the rampid murder of US Citizens by illegal aliens.

4. Spend more on hiring and training of additional border patrol personnel. Equipt them with the same firepower that Mexican Border Agents use.

5. Put a stop to the other murders in this country. Makes Iraq look almost safe if you view the overall numbers. A person starts getting the idea that these people do not matter, only soldiers.

6. Crack down on the runnaway traffic deaths. 40,000 plus people die each year on the nations roads. Sould I mention drugs and alcohol? Again don't these people matter?

7. Congress to learn and understand what duties and responsibilities mean.

8. Congress should act together for the welfare of the nation, not the welfare of their political parties.

9. Stop enacting countless and meaningless new laws, and help see that the existing laws are enforced.

10. Act morally.

If you want to blame the president, go ahead there is alot of blame to go around but remember it's congress that is flapping it's lips on Iraq.

well said, all are attainable but I don't expect much from the current Democrat leadership in congress. The party of defeat.

from the "Heartland of wyoming"
When should these benchmarks have been met? in the last 6 1/2 years when the republicans had full control of the house, senate and whitehouse or since Jan. when the dems gained a slim majority? you ask a lot of a silm majority in 7 months I think, more shift the blame game? we'll see if Bush can hold the 1/3 of congress it takes to uphold his veto, if not you'll see more action in congress than you like I bet.
Ransom, I like your list a lot! Since neither party likes to see the other party get credit for something good, I expect things won't change much.

I would settle for #10.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-12-07 AT 06:02PM (MST)[p]Dude

Your missing the point. ALL members of congress. No matter the party, sex or heaven forbid color. For the most part they speak with forked tongue to borrow a phrase. They do little, speak much.
Yes there might be more action but do you really think it will be something good for the country? I think little of them all, going back many many years.
Dude this isn't really you versus me, it's us versus All the clowns in Washington.
To answer your question six months, unless you make me mad, then three.


Thanks. You know turtle tastes like chicken.

I think Dude needs to read it again with open eyes, not party eyes as I said congress, not dem or rep.
By the way I reregistered today, very happy with myself. Moveon.org can kiss my A$$.

Don't get me wrong I don't care for most of them, but I like Hagel the best. if congress is a bunch of culls then the whitehouse is at the top of the cull heap. while I think any bum off the street could make a better president than Bush he is my elected president, therefore if I were to meet him I'd treat him with the respect his position deserves, any good American should. we have the best system in the world and our right to gripe is part of it, but don't blame congress for the lack of leadership from the whitehouse.

We are finding middle ground. I blame most of Washington. I really don't hate any of them, just not awhole lot of repect for most them. Moveon.org is another matter.

I agree Moveon.org is a far left group to be ignored, just like the far right nuts "Move America Forward" who are running all the ads saying if we leave Iraq all hope is gone, satan will eat your brains, the sky will fall and Paris Hilton will rule the underworld. any extemist group is a waist of time.
Ransom, WTF, I thought you said you didn't like to stir up political sh!t.

You are correct on most levels BUT "he who wields the most power must accept most of the blame" That would be little George who had a captive audience for 6 years and still screwed everything up. Now many of your wonderful religious right buddies are either registered sex offenders or having their sentences commuted by the same dumb - dumb that can't figure out where the war really is.

Rus and Dude

Believe it or not I don't love Bush or hate him either. He certainly has many faults, like the last one didn't? It's congress who has the domestic responsibility and they fall way short too. Toe tappers are not my friends Rus. That was cruel.
By the way are you guys yankees?


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