U.C.L. Where?????


OH... MY.... GOSH.....

59-0? Are you freaking kidding me?? At the end of 3 quarters? And who was it that said BYU doesn't belong in the PAC 10? WTF?? - (That's "What The Fetch??" for those of you who have never been to Provo, or Orem, or Rexburg, or Sandy)

Congrats to the Cougs!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
This game was the 2008 version of the "Mountain Meadows Massacre".

This was the statement game that BYU needed. All those supposed experts at ESPN need to eat a huge helping of Crow....

Just the kind of statement they needed to send! Seems like everything I saw said UCLA was gonna be an upset winner. Oops, I guess not! Go Cougs!!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-13-08 AT 10:05PM (MST)[p]Though I'm a Lobo fan , I love the fact that the Mtn West is on the map and UT & BYU as well TCU are kicking some serious booty! USC just rolled OH State , lets see how all the ESPN "experts" break down this weeks games???

Congrats to you cougar fans/alumni....

Finally UNM gets a win for 08....Not such a bad day in college ball....4 more days till I leave for my elk hunt and none of this ball talk will matter....
Much congrats to all the MWC teams that won today! I cheer for 'em all against the BC$...even UNLV is giving ASU a battle thru the first half...
I loved every second of it. I made my own post about it, and then realized this one was here, oh well, a spanking like that deserves all the credit it can get.

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