Type 9 elk unit 38



I was wondering if anybody had any thoughts on bowhunting unit 38 for elk? Not looking for a giant bull but would just like to be able to get away from people and be in elk. I'm willing to work hard and pack in if need be. I am willing to share any info about the hunt.
There's tons of info in the archives here for that hunt.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, NRA, UWC & DP Hate Club
70 percent of hunters road hunt that unit. If your willing to Pack in and spend time you will be Successful. Bighorns hair foals everywhere So People hunt off ATV' s So look at your Maps and get away from the road hunters.. The bulls Seem to talk pretty well.
If we get drawn we are planning on packing in a few miles to try to get away from the crowd as much as possible. Been hunting Idaho so we're use to being around a few people. It sounds like there are plenty of elk so that will be a nice change. It's really great to have people like you guys that are willing to help out! I'll definately share any knowledge I get from the area.
so do you think a 275-300 in bull is what we should be looking for?
With time invested a bull of that caliber should be no Problem. Lots of rag bulls in the area. I Would nt expect a 350 + bulIs everywhere. But a 300-320 bull With enough time invested andgood Cool weather I think You win do good. About 7 years ago I Went deer hunting in the area and Seen 3 bulls in the 320-330 range. About 800 Yards off the Highway. No one Wanted to Go after the bulls Cause People Claimed they Were to for Away and to Much work to pack out.
I will be putting in for a type 9 tag with 7 points. I could probably spend my points else where, but I have two years worth of scouting invested in this unit.

I wonder if there will be a cut back in deer tags, as I wouldn't mind picking up a left over deer tag for me and my dad.
Do you live around the area to know it so well Brookhunter19? Also do you think it would be worth getting a deer tag if possible if I only have 7-10 days to hunt?
I do not live close. I have hunted mule deer two years, mainly scouting for elk and moose in this unit. From what I gather from talking with other hunters while in the unit, the deer numbers are way down. Being a flat lander, I was fairly impressed with the deer numbers, but would rate the buck quality low. I am still going to purchase a deer tag if left overs are available. I would say there are low end P&Y bucks there if you hunt hard. Just my experience.

The biggest thing I have taken away from hunting the Big Horns is the number of people. They will be crawling every where. I am still applying though because of my time and money spent scouting the unit.
Hopefully with some work we can pack in and get away from most people. Sounds like there are a lot of elk in the area too.I also was hoping to get some knowledge of the area for moose. I have 13 points so in a few years I hope to draw.
Sounds like we might be able to help each other out if we draw elk or moose if your interested. If I draw I plan on going out this summer and do some scouting.

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