TX Whitetail (photo hvy)


Active Member
Got back from a Colorado muley hunt in time to go sit a while and see what all would show up. Ended up cutting my season very short this year.

Some pics from the cpl days I sat.














the buck above:


LAST EDITED ON Jan-09-12 AT 04:29PM (MST)[p]Great pics,Nice buck,Hope the yote is dead too!!
How did muley hunt go?
Thanks y'all. The yote is still alive for now, both the does in the pics had nubbins with them and they were going to stomp a mudhole in that yote. I just don't do any unneccessary shooting on the property during season to keep as much hunting pressure off those deer as possible. Starting Feb, the yotes, bobcats & hogs should be scared.

Colorado was a fun trip again. Priority was getting my wife on her first muley and that woman was about as picky as they come b/c she had thoughts of trying to outscore her uncle's buck from the unit taken a few years ago (that didn't pan out). Passed on a couple quality shooters thinking they would stay put and the snow moved them, but one of the 3 in that group stayed put and my wife ended up shooting him (30.25" outside spread) late in the week leaving us a cpl days to find a good deer to shoot. Had leads on 2 over 200" and once we saw where they were seen we abandoned that idea, but it killed a day. Went back to look for another wide WT frame buck and couldn't get to him, so I ended up shooting a last day buck. (And we shot 2 cows midweek)
Nice whitetail you shot, congrats.The pictures are pretty cool also, I like the little snake pic.Thanks for posting them.
thanks. It's actually a public land DIY snake pic. I decided to go scout some public land bordering a place we hunt and stumbled upon a slough bed still holding water during the drought. I figured if I looked hard enough there had to be a stubb tail laying around somewhere and I was right! How he hadn't been eated by hogs yet is beyond me.
Great pics! What part of Texas? Must be East Texas - everywhere else was so drought stricken there was no green to be found!

Burnin' up don't know just how far that I can go, soon be home only just 4 downs to go, I can make it I know I can! You broke the boy in me but you won't break the man! I can see a new horizon blazin' on the Mile High. I'll be where the eagle's flyin' higher and higher! Gonna be your man in motion, all I need's my Broncos team take me where my future's lyin' Tim Tebow's Fire! GO BRONCOS!


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It's East Tx not far from Sam Rayburn. We've been hammered with drought, wildfires, etc. Sad when it takes until deer season to see anything green, but can;t complain; it's the end of Jan and greener than it's been in a cpl years.

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