Two more......



Again, nothing special but this finishes out our goat season,

My oldest son with a young buck that he took from aobut 75 yards after having another buck give him the slip on a nice stalk. I sat and watched the whole thing unfold through my bino's and well....... schitt happens right? He's 15 and this is his second antelope and he was bound determined to "hunt it" alone so I set him loose.


And mine, we spotted him with another buck and 10 or so does about half a mile off, I put the stalk on and after crossing an ankle deep river and getting wet and then running out of cover and hiding behind the last available sage bush I put one through him from about 225 yards with the trusty '06.


I didnt realize until afterwards that he had broken his right cutter off.

Dang, Mike! You're going to have to get a bigger freezer. LOL Seems you and your family can't do anything wrong this year.

How sweet it is though! Keep it coming!

Congrats to you Mike and your son too on successfull hunts to finish off the tags. Too bad about that "cutter" being broken off, but there is always next year. How long were the horns on your Buck?

I dont think anybody is going hungry in the dakotakid family this year. Nice job Mike. Way to let the boy have at it. I'm sure that was a big boost to his confidence. Really cool.
Hey Mike...excellent pics and great to see the young'ns out there havin' fun!

Now if someday I could ever draw a tag up your way (again)...

Thanks for the congrats guys, the young'un appreciates it too (damn kid is bigger than I am now).


I dont know tall he was as I didnt tape him but I did a rough ear+hand measurement and came up with 14 sumthin.

Congrats again to you and the boy! Sounds like the whole family scored this year?
Couldn't think of any better way to have quality time with the family!

Did you get your Bull yet?

Congratulations to you and your son. The best goat I have taken will always be the last one I have taken!


The only one who didnt score this year was my daughter but she is only 11. She will take hunters safety this winter/spring and from that point on she can decide if she wants to hunt or not. But hunters safety she will have.

I'm only chasing cows this year. No bull tag for me.


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